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Q: Are fairy fly helpful or harmful to people?
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Is a ladybug harmful or helpful?

Ladybird's favorite food is Aphid (greenfly/blackfly) which attack plants. Ladybirds are a beneficial insect and gardners and Horticulturalists encourage them.

Do fireflies help humans?

Fireflies are helpful to plants because they feed on many insects that are harmful to crops. The larvae even eat destructive pests like slugs.

Is there such thing as fairy dust?

Usually in stories on fairies are to ever use fairy dust. They use is by sprinkling it on items and thinking about what they want it to do. It takes practice. Tinkerbell used hers to help people fly they had to think happy thoughts to use it.

Is there such thing as the flamingo fairy?

People say it's ina fairytale. A very delicate flamingo that can apparently fly.

How do super hero's fly?

you have to catch all of the other super villians then you'll get a call answer it and you'll be able to fly.

How can you tell if you're a fairy?

You Can Fly You Have Wings and You Have a Wand.

What is the length of a fairy fly in fractions?


What is fact about fairy flies?

Fairy Flies are born adults Fairy Flies are the smallest insect Fairy Flies can fly through the eye of a pin Fairy Flies can swim Fairy Flies aren't actually flies they are wasps

Simile for she could fly like a Pls help me?

She could fly like a fairy

Why fly is harmful?

flies are harmful because it can get your food dirty and it is like a mosquito

If the tooth fairy flew around the world how far would she have to fly?

No one knows, only God and the Tooth Fairy. She'd probably have to fly more than a billion kilometers.

Is smoking 35 cigarettes a year harmful?

It would not be a great move, but not very harmful. I have seen some studies that showed a single cigarette a day was helpful. This would fly in the face of the second hand smoke issue though. Bottom line is, why take a chance?