

Are fish primary consumers or secondary consumers?

Updated: 7/21/2022
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9y ago

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primary consumer

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Haylie Corkery

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1y ago
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8y ago

It depends on the kind of fish. Some fish are primary consumers, some are secondary or tertiary consumers.

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Q: Are fish primary consumers or secondary consumers?
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Larger fish on the reef are secondary consumers. They are secondary consumers as they eat the primary consumers such as smaller fish and plankton.

Are fish primary consumer?

The ones that eat vegetation are primary consumers. The fish that eat other fish are secondary consumers

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Penguins are not a primary consumer. They are known as secondary consumers as they eat small fish. Those small fish are primary consumers.

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Yes, a dolphin is a secondary consumer in that a dolphin eats fish. These fish often eat plants, making fish the primary consumers.

Are fish secondary?

Depends on the fish and the habitat. I believe that they can be secondary consumers and up. I dont think they can be primary consumers, because these are mostly autotrophic, and fish (according to what I know) are heterotrophic.

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Secondary consumers are those animals that eat primary consumers. Secondary consumers in a pond include frogs, fish, and some insects.

Are plank-tons secondary consumers?

Yes. A platypus is a secondary consumer. Secondary consumers are animals that eat primary consumers, and although platypuses do not eat fish, they do eat other primary consumers such as crustaceans, insect larvae and annelid worms.

Are penguins primary or secondary consumers?

They are definitely secondary consumers because they get eaten by sharks so it just all makes sense.

How are primary consumers different from secondary consumers?

primary consumers are herbivores and secondary consumers are carnivores so secondary consumers eat primary consumers

What are three types of consumers in terms of primary secondary and?

Primary consumers are herbivores that eat plants directly. Secondary consumers are carnivores that eat primary consumers. Tertiary consumers are carnivores that eat secondary consumers.

Are primary carnivores consumers?

No! Carnivores are secondary consumers. Herbivores are primary consumers.

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Rats are primary consumers. This means they will eat almost everything. In the wild, primary consumers provide nutrition for secondary consumers.