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Fish don't have eyelids that can close, so they don't sleep with closed eyes.

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Q: Are fish the only animals that sleep with their eyes closed?
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Do fish go to sleep with eyes open or closed?

with the eyes closed

Do fish sleep sleep with there eyes closed?

Fish don't have eye lids, so they never close. But there are exceptional fishes like the Sharks do have eyelids to protect their eyes!

What animals sleep with their eyes open?

The animals that sleep with their eyes open are Snakes, Fish, Insects and Guinea pigs there are many more as well.

Do fish need dark to sleep?

yep they do kinda sleep or settle downa at a place with no movement at all if the lights are turned off at night which i do so i think yes they do sleep but with eyes open but believe do not make them sleep coz closed eyes of fish are not easy to watch

When do sea cucumbers sleep?

yes they do.all animals sleep but ocean and fresh water fish sleep with their eyes sea cucumbers sleep

Do goldfish sleep with their eyes open?

goldfish sleep with their eye open their eye are open all the time. Gold fish sleep with there eyes open...But they have a clear lid that over laps there eyes in which they see out of so there eyes are closed they just have a different lid then humans. Hope that helps you:)

What are the names of animals without eyes?

Troglobites See the link below for specific animals:

Why don't fish close their eyes when they sleep?

-Fish do not sleep -Fish do not have eyelids -Fish are very nice pets

Do fish sleep with there eyes open?


How do Siamese fish sleep?

eyes opened

Why fish sleep with their eyes open wide?

because fish have no eyelids

Are puffer fish the only fish that sleep?

No there not all fish sleep but most of them dont have eyelds therefor cannot close there eyes