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Interestingly enough, webs are made by both caterpillars and Spiders. Tent caterpillars create web-like nests in trees that resemble tents. These silken nests protect them from predators, and also allow them to feed on the leaves of the tree. Spiders also make silken webs. These are typically closer to the shape most often associated with webs. Most spider use their webs to trap their prey and eat.

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Q: Are food web woven by spiders and caterpillars?
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Is the silk in all spiders the same or different?

spiders silks are diffrent you will never see the same web woven like a snow flake no 2 are the same

What is a food web made of?

a food web is a spiders web full of food in which animals from all around come to feed from

Where in the food web is dogs?

the food web is spiders or other insects not mammals thats the food chain

Name for a spider's trap?

The name for a spiders trap is its web. The web helps spiders trap their food and enemies.

How do spiders get food?

Some spiders build a web so their food will fly or crawl into it. Others make a tunnel and then surprises their prey by popping out of their tunnel and catching the food. Some spiders build a web net and drops it on their food and eats it when it's ready. There are many different ways spiders can catch their food.

What do spiders make to help catch their food?

A web

When was How the Web Was Woven created?

How the Web Was Woven was created in 1970.

What purpose does a spiders web serve?

A spiders web is a beautiful thing to look at. It is the spiders way to catch food for it to eat and also for it to save that food for later. Some spider webs actually have tunnels for the spider to hide in from preditors or to surprise their prey.

What are some carnivores in a forest food web?

Spiders, raptors, shrews.

Do spiders stay in the same web?

Well naturally spiders have an unlimited supply of web. They need a web to catch food, if the web were to get torn and the spider didn't have unlimited web then he'd be out of food and die.