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In the most case no they are not. As example you can find it interesting but you can find even iron in the case phase you just need to have high enough temperature (couple thousands degrees).

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2w ago

In general, gaseous elements are lighter than solid elements because gases have lower density than solids. This means that gaseous elements have fewer atoms or molecules packed into a given volume compared to solid elements.

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14y ago

Yes, solids! and non-utonian liquids such as custard

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Q: Are gaseous elements lighter than solid elements?
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Is the density of steam more or less than the density of water?

The density of steam is less than the density of water. This is because steam is in a gaseous state, with its particles spread further apart compared to liquid water.

How do you calculate density of irregular shape solid lighter than water?

To find the density of an irregular shape solid lighter than water, you can use the following steps: Weigh the solid in air to determine its mass (m). Weigh the solid while it is fully submerged in water to determine its apparent mass (m'). Calculate the density using the formula: Density = (m / (m - m')) * density of water.

Why fake gold chain feel lighter than real goal?

Fake gold chains often feel lighter than real gold chains because they are typically made of materials that are less dense than gold, such as brass or alloy metals. These materials are lighter in weight compared to solid gold, which is a dense metal. This difference in density is why a fake gold chain might feel lighter.

Is the density of gaseous substance likely to be larger or smaller then the density of liquid or solid substance at the same temperature and why?

The density of a gaseous substance is typically lower than that of a liquid or solid substance at the same temperature because the particles in a gas are more spread out and have higher kinetic energy. In contrast, the particles in a liquid or solid are more closely packed, leading to a higher density.

Why is the density of a substance in a gaseous state much less than its density in liquid or solid state?

In the gaseous state, the particles are further apart and have higher kinetic energy, leading to a lower density compared to when the substance is in a liquid or solid state, where the particles are closer together. This is because gas particles have more freedom to move and fill the space available, resulting in a lower mass per unit volume.

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How do clouds float and why?

Gaseous water is lighter than air. Clouds are composed (mainly) of gaseous water.

What element forms two gaseous oxides?

Nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon. (NO, NO2, O2, O3, CO, CO2) These elements are in period 2 and tend to form gaseous oxides rather than the solid oxides of period 3. i.e SiO2, P4O10, SO3 (gaseous at STP).

What is the composition of lighter elements in comparison with heavier element?

Lighter elements are composed of fewer protons and neutrons compared to heavier elements. They tend to have fewer total nucleons and lower atomic numbers. Lighter elements are typically found at the beginning of the periodic table, while heavier elements are found towards the end.

What makes uranium lighter than other elements?

Uranium is not lighter but heavier than many of the other elements; the density of uranium is 19,05 g/cm3 and the atomic weight is 238,02891.

Nuclear fusion only releases energy when elements that are lighter than what element are involved?

Nuclear fusion only releases energy when elements lighter than iron are involved. This is because elements lighter than iron release energy due to the process of fusion, while elements heavier than iron require energy to be input for fusion to occur.

What element is lighter than hafnium?

loads - look at the 72 elements before it in the periodic table

Are gaseous fuels better than liquid and solid fuels?

Not better, just a different application.

Why is compound lighter than a element?

A compound is not lighter than an element, if that element is part of the compound. Some compounds, like H2O would be lighter than, say, the element lead, but it is not lighter than the elements that make it up, i.e. hydgrogen and/or oxygen.

What is the use of helium?

Balloons! Gaseous Helium is easily compressed and is stable, (as opposed to Hydrogen). It is lighter than surrounding air.

What are the useful features of plywood?

Less expensive than solid wood, lighter weight to work with, lighter weight finished project, can be matched with other wood, easier to cut than some solid woods

Lighter elements have more or less number of protons than neutrons?

Lighter elements tend to have neutrons equal to protonms or only a slight excess. Heavier elements have an excess of neutrons over protons

What happens to the molecular movement as a gas turns into a solid?

It decreases. In gaseous phase the molecules are further apart than they are in the solid phase so although in solid phase the molecules are still moving minimally they haven't got the space to move around in that they would in the gaseous phase.