

What element is lighter than hafnium?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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loads - look at the 72 elements before it in the periodic table

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Q: What element is lighter than hafnium?
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Hafnium is magnetic or non-magnetic?

Hafnium is a single element and therefore nonpolar.

Is hafnium and element or compound?

Hafnium (Hf) is a natural chemical element.

What is the element with 73 protons?

The element with 72 electrons is Hafnium (Hf). Hafnium has an atomic weight of 72 and is a period 6, group 4 transition metal. It is the first element after the Lanthanides. Hafnium has 72 electrons in 6 shells with 2 electrons in the outer shell.

Where did hafnium originate?

Hafnium is a natural chemical element associated with zirconium in minerals.

Is hafnium dangerous?

Hafnium is not a dangerous metal; also is a very rare element.

What is the origin of hafnium?

Hafnium is a natural chemical element; hafnium hasn't minerals but it is associated with zirconium (unrefined zirconium contain approx. 2 % hafnium).

Is hafnium a base?

It is a metallic element

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Which family is hafnium in?

The element hafnium is a transition metal. Use the link below for more information.

What is the mineral group of the mineral hafnium?

Hafnium is an element not a rock. Hafnium is never found in nature pure form so does not fit into any groups. Hafnium is a chemical element, a metal placed in the group 4 and period 6 of the periodic table of Mendeleev.

Why is compound lighter than a element?

A compound is not lighter than an element, if that element is part of the compound. Some compounds, like H2O would be lighter than, say, the element lead, but it is not lighter than the elements that make it up, i.e. hydgrogen and/or oxygen.

Is hafnium a metalloid?

No, it is not. Hafnium is a transition metal. Use the link below for more information.