

Are gay people confused hetrosexuals

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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No, gay people are not confused heterosexuals. They are gay because that is how they were born.

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Q: Are gay people confused hetrosexuals
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Yes, they do! Gay people often form key gangs. Originally formed by gay coal miners who had to put their keys in their fist during long shifts to prevent an attack from hetrosexuals. In modern day, key gangs are nothing more than mindless thugs who aim to cause injury to hetrosexuals. The most famous key gang is the IAT (Insert and Twist), who recently entered the race for London mayor and gained incredible support from UKIP, backing the argument that members of UKIP are homosexuals.

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Homosexuals & Hetrosexuals are the same, it's just a different sexuality.

How many percentage of people that consider if they're gay actually are?

Virtually 100% of people who consider themselves gay really are gay. There are a few exceptions, where a person might be confused about their orientation, but those people wouldn't consider themselves gay.

Is ray wilkins from scary movie gay?

Na he seems gay but in the end of the first movie he explains everything and how he ain't gay . i know with the confusion people would think he is gay but i think he is just confused

Are there any current events or situations in the world today in which a group of people may be the target of opression or injustice by its government?

Yes. There is no country that does not have at least some legitimate issue with a group being unfairly oppressed or suffering injustice. In America, a prime example is that we are debating about whether gay people have the same rights as hetrosexuals.

Is Harlan Chapman-Green Gay?

No, he isn't, he is just mentally confused

Can one think he is gay and not be one?

yes, it's called being confused or experimental. also, some people are just bi instead of homosexual.

Why do people want to be gay?

Nobody starts out wanting to be gay. But gay people go through an internal battle and most eventually come to terms with it. Most people are happy the way they are. Gay people have to deal with the difficulties of society, but they can emerge stronger for that. There is no great movement of people who want to change to become gay. The suggestion in your question is inaccurate.

What to do when your gay boyfriend left you for a girl?

When a man is gay it means he is attracted to individuals of the same gender. If your gay boyfriend left you for a girl, it means it probably was not gay to begin with or he is confused about his sexuality.

Is he realy gay cuz you do not think so?

no if you really want to now he never had a relationship with Grindleward therefor he is not gay or when he was young confused

How do you get gay people?

You can meet gay people but you can't "get" gay people.

Are gay people actually gay?

Yes, gay people are actually gay.