

Are ghost exist in the entire world?

Updated: 3/18/2020
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12y ago

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Yes, they exist, but we humans are too scared of the unknown to know and accept such things.

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Q: Are ghost exist in the entire world?
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Is ghost exist in the world?

yes the ghost is available in world

Do ghost exist in this world?


Why sports exist in the entire world?

Because people have fun with it

How do ghost stay in the world?

They don't. The only place they stay is in your mind. Ghosts do not exist.

Do ghost still exist?

There is little evidence to prove that ghost exist. However, there is little evidence to prove they don't exist. On one hand, if they never existed in the past then they never will. On the other hand, if they once existed then they will always exist because, it is said that there are spirits inside living bodies and these spirits turn into ghost if the person did bad; there are plenty of bad people in the world so there probaly still are ghost if what they said is true.

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ghost do not exist only spirits

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What is the town with the least people in the world?

A number of ghost towns still exist. They were incorporated, but then were abandoned, and some were never unincorporated. The population of ghost towns is zero.

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I am sorry to say that ghost do not exist

Is there really ghost exist?


Is a bathroom ghost exist?

No Ghosts Doesn't Exist At All

Do ghost do really exist?

ghosts do exist because my mommy went on a ghost trip and found some orbs yes