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Q: Are gills on the outside of the body?
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What do gills do on a lizard body?

Lizards don't have gills.

Where are gills?

Gills are located in the fish's body, near the slits in its neck. :)

How do dragonflies obtain oxygen?

Since,dragon fly nymph is in water once it has hatched from its egg it will breathe through gills.

How does a damselfly breathe?

It breathes through its gills.

How do animals breathe?

Animals breathe in many ways: through body coverings, gills,tubes in their body, and lungs.some with lungs others with gills

What body parts of a fish use for breathing?


Seahorse-how do they breathe?

they breath through gills on their body

What is the body coverings of fish?

The body covery of the fish is there skins.

Why do gills do not work outside water?

Because they can only take up oxygen from water.

Where does blood collect in fish after it circulates through the body?

the gills

What organ in your body has the same functions as the gills of a fish?

the lungs

What body part of fish enable to live in water?

their gills