

Are giunea pigs tired during pregnancy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes they can get tired especially if they are carrying a lot of babies.

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Q: Are giunea pigs tired during pregnancy?
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No they will drown in water

Your giunea pigs lossing its hair what do you do?

Take it to the vet as quickly as possible!

What color eyes can giunea pigs have?

They could have red or black eyes only

What do giunea pigs prefer carrots or lettuce?

My guinea pig prefers lettuce to carrots.

What country do giunea pigs live in?

Many live in Peru and the surrounding areas in South America.

Can giunea pigs be on a leash?

No! Some people put them on leashes but this can seriously damage there spines and ribs, so it isn't a good idea !

How do giunea pigs lay down?

Course They Do!!! Just Like Human Women!!

What foods are good for giunea pigs?

Many foods are good for guinea pigs including vegetables and store-bought food. BEWARE! some foods are poisonous to guinea pigs! Including potato skins and raw beans. Hope this helped :) Timothy hay and pellets are good for guinea pigs.

How long do guinea pigs sleep for?

it really just depends on how tired they are. they are not nocturnal, so they don't sleep that much during the day. it really just depends on how tired they are. they are not nocturnal, so they don't sleep that much during the day.

How long can a pigs pregnancy last for?

pigs are pregnant with usually 7 pigs, they are pregnant for 7 months before giving birth

What are the sizes of a giunea pig?

Guinea pigs come in any size, they only grow to be about 7 inches long, and it also depends on how old your piggy is, if he.she is a baby it will only be a few inches long, if it is old, it will be full grown! :D good luck with your Piggy!!

Can you put your giunea pig go in a rabit ball?

No you should not ever put guinea pigs in ANY kind of ball! They could die. Their spines aren't made like hamster's and stuff, so they cant bend that way. Please dont ever put them in any.