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Kidney Stones can not be helped, they can be treated by either breaking them down and doing number 2 the small stones or surgical operations.

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Yes, it is,

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Q: Are grapefruit pills good for kidney stones?
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What blood pressure pills should not be taken with grapefruit?

You should take Viagra For high blood pressure, it is good because you can take it with grapefruit. Grapefruit increases the effectiveness of blood pressure pills, therefore, the normal dosage that you take without grapefruit will become an overdose with grapefruit.

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*because of kidney stones

Can a person who has kidney stones or even kidney insufficiency be a good athlete?

Yes, despite the pain that kidney stones might pose, they do not prevent or inhibit one's athletic ability. If the pain is treated at the right time, then kidney stones do not cause any problem in regards to athletic performance.

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Kidney Stones

Does lemons help kidney stones?

On the contrary, highly acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, (i.e.: lemons, oranges, grapefruit), have been proven to be a trigger for the formation of kidney stones, as these substances heighten the levels of uric acid in the system. However, the herb "milk thistle" has been proven to break down kidney stones into a more passable "dust-like" form. I know this, because I have Medullary Sponge Kidney Disease. I have hundreds of them. A good source of milk thistle, as well as in encapsulized form, is in the energy drink, "Rockstar". I drink one each day, and the added taurine is also good for improved circulation. Be sure to only drink them in moderation, as with any food or drink that contain additive components.

Can recurrent urinary infections cause kidney stones?

There are different types of kidney stones, and one is the result of infection in the kidney. Yes, recurrent infections can help to cause this type of kidney stone. The stone may also harbor infection that causes frequent recurrence.

Can you take tramadol for kidney stones?

I am not a MD but my son has been suffering from chronic kidney stones, it was told to me that tramadol can have renal issues that is why when i suggested it instead of narcotics they said it could do more harm then good....the risk was notwprth it.

Can peanut butter cause bladder stones in dogs?

Yes peanut butter cause bladder stones in dogs as it is acid-forming with calcium oxalate causing kidney stones. Hence not good for dogs.

Does beer cause kidney stones?

Not Scientifically proved but yes alcohol has been found to have caused weight gain, depression and other dangerous diseases, So we can perceive Alcohol to be an equal contributor for Kidney stone. To Read more on Kidney stones, you can have a look at , Found it a good read

Is grapefruit not good with metoprolol?

Is it safe to mix grapefruit and metoprolol

What do you do when you have kidney stones?

=Answer from esperience= I am fourteen and have a kidney Stone myself, so take my advice. Go to the hospital to, not only conferm that you have one, but to find out where it is. It's location is a big part of determining whether to let it go or have surgery. Good luck!