

Are guinea pigs born from eggs?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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No, guinea pigs are mammals and give live birth.

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Q: Are guinea pigs born from eggs?
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Related questions

Do pigs hatch eggs or born alive?

Guinea Pigs are mammals, and are born alive.

Are guinea pigs bald when born?

No, guinea pigs are born with fur, and their eyes open

Do guinea pigs lay eggs?

No, guinea pigs cannot eat cooked eggs, raw eggs, or any other sort of egg. Broccoli and carrots are good for them - though they recommend oranges, I've heard from many sources that citrus isn't good for guinea pigs. Hope i helped!

Do flies eat guinea pigs?

Only if they are dead. Then their main goal would be to place eggs in the body of the guinea pig. The eggs turn into maggots, that then eat the guinea pig.

What age does a guinea pig grow hair?

guinea pigs are born with fur unless the are skinny guinea pigs ( breeds with no hair)

What animals are born with fur?

Guinea pigs

When are guinea pigs born?

There is no formal answer for this question.

Do guinea pigs eat quails?

No, guinea pigs CANNOT eat fish, they are vegetarians and fish could make them sick and/or kill them

When can you play with the newly born guinea pigs?

you can play with a newly born guinea-pig after three days

What age do guinea pigs walk?

guinea pigs are born full functional they are miniature versions of there parents with proportionally big heads

How old do guinea pigs have to be before you feed them raw vegetables?

Guinea pigs are able to eat raw vegetables from the day they are born.

How do mommy guinea pigs care for baby guinea pigs?

When they are first born and up to 4 weeks old the mother will feed them milk that she makes for them. She will teach them by showing them what to eat and drink. and how to be with other guinea pigs.