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Gypsies are descendants of Indian peoples, not of Egyptians. Europeans mistook them for Egyptian-descent and thus named them Gypsies.

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Q: Are gypsies related to ancient Egyptians?
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What is the difference between Egyptians and gypsies?

Egyptians are native to Egypt, a country in North Africa, while gypsies are an ethnic group of people who traditionally are nomadic and have roots in South Asia. The two groups have different cultural backgrounds, traditions, and histories.

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Cats. They used to be worshipped by Egyptians

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The ancient Egyptians were based in egypt.

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No. Ancient Egyptians never got to Australia.

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Are Ancient Egyptians named after their gods?

No, Ancient Egyptians were not named after their gods. The names of Ancient Egyptians were typically based on various factors such as social status, family lineage, or personal characteristics. The gods in Ancient Egyptian religion often had distinct names and were worshiped separately from the individuals.