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Heat and work are path functions because their values depend on something moving from an initial to a final state.

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Q: Are heat and work path functions?
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Why work and heat transfer are not property of the system?

irstly from Thermodynamics point of view, we need to call heat as Heat transfer. Both Heat and work transfer are energies in transit. They come into picture only when a process is taking place. Also the quantity of heat transfer depends on the type of process or path followed. So Heat Transfer is a path function but not a property(which is a point function). 📷 In case of properties, the difference in properties (here P2-P1 or V2- V1)between state 1 and state 2 always remains same irrespective of the path followed. So properties are called Exact Differentials or Point functions. But in case of Heat transfer and Work transfer, the quantity of heat and work transfer between state 1 and state 2 depends on the path followed. Therefore heat and work transfer are not exact differentials,they are Inexact differentials or path functions.

How is heat capacity a path function?

Heat capacity is NOT a path function. It is a STATE function. It depends on the phase of the material, the temperature and the pressure. Usually heat capacity is known at some particular condition and then a calculation is required to estimate it at the condition of interest. Performing these calculations should always result in the same final value no matter the path you took to get to the value - hence it is a STATE function rather than PATH. Path functions would be things like WORK and HEAT (for which the state function "heat capacity" might be used in the calculations)

How heat is a path function?

Heat capacity is NOT a path function. It is a STATE function. It depends on the phase of the material, the temperature and the pressure. Usually heat capacity is known at some particular condition and then a calculation is required to estimate it at the condition of interest. Performing these calculations should always result in the same final value no matter the path you took to get to the value - hence it is a STATE function rather than PATH. Path functions would be things like WORK and HEAT (for which the state function "heat capacity" might be used in the calculations)

What is difference between path function and point function in thermodyanaMICS?

Path function: Their magnitudes depend on the path followed during a process as well as the end states. Work (W), heat (Q) are path functions.The cyclic integral of a path function is non-zero. work and heat are path functions.Point Function: They depend on the state only, and not on how a system reaches that state. All properties are point functions.The cyclic integral of a point function is zero. properties are point functions, (ie pressure,volume,temperature and entropy).

Does heat depend on path?

Not really, if you're referring to heat transfer, then the heat will use the path of least resistance. So the heat doesn't rely on the path as much as it does on the material that the heat must travel through.

What are the functions of the heat?

The main purpose of a heat sink is to expel heat from a generating source. Heat sinks work through the process of conductive and convection heat transfer. Heat sinks are a passive form of cooling, as they have no moving parts and require no power.

What are path functions?

a function whose magnitude depends on the path followed by the function and on the end points.

Why do catalyst work without adding heat?

A catalyst changes the path of reaction mechanism and decreases the activation energy required by the reactants.

What are the functions of the sun?

Heat and light

What are the functions of a switch?

The function of a switch is to open or close a path for electricity.

What are some similarities between work and energy?

they are measured in the same unit,joules

What is a flow path of a heated liquid?

The flow path of a heated liquid will vary. For the in cross-flow heat the liquid path is perpendicular to each other but in counter-current heat,the liquids flow in opposite directions.