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Q: Are hemorrhoids permanent or do they form?
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What are hemmariods?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal. This common problem can be painful, but it's usually not serious. Veins can swell inside the anal canal to form internal hemorrhoids. Or they can swell near the opening of the anus to form external hemorrhoids. You can have both types at the same time. The symptoms and treatment depend on which type you have. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal. This common problem can be painful, but it's usually not serious. Veins can swell inside the anal canal to form internal hemorrhoids. Or they can swell near the opening of the anus to form external hemorrhoids. You can have both types at the same time. The symptoms and treatment depend on which type you have.

What is the medical term for removal of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoidectomy is the medical term meaning surgical removal of hemorrhoids. -ectomy is the combining form meaning surgical removal.

Can Hemroid Cream give effective Treatment for Hemroid?

Hemroids Cream ( are generally used in external hemorrhoids but in some cases it can be also used in internal hemorrhoids. The best creams are that which can provide quick and permanent relief.

Can an external hemorrhoid turn into an internal hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids are formed by the person's health condition, especially on the rectum part. When blood circulation is bad on the rectum part, you might have hemorrhoids. It could be external or internal or both. It is not turning into internal form from external. It is just where you have the hemorrhoids.

Do geckos get hemorrhoids?

No. geckos don't get hemorrhoids

Did Ernest Hemingway have hemorrhoids?

Hemingway did in fact suffer from hemorrhoids.

What is another term for hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are also known as piles

How do you know you have hemorrhoids?

Here is a link that offers symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Why do hemorrhoids itch?

Hemorrhoids can irritate you, especially itching.

What are the nursing diagnosis of hemorrhoids?

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are so noticeable that one can not deny it. Symptoms of Hemorrhoids are as follow: 1. The most obvious symptom of Hemorrhoids is that they are often felt and seen (for example, by using a mirror) as a tiny lump of grapes arising from the anus the classic appearance of prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. 2. Hemorrhoids can also cause a burning sensation, pain and or discomfort around the anal opening. 3. Another typical symptom is that hemorrhoids often cover the anus, stopping the anal opening from being seen. 4. An important symptom of hemorrhoids is their color: *Reddish pink hemorrhoids are normally prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. *Purplish blue or dark reddish hemorrhoids are normally thrombosed hemorrhoids. *Brownish hemorrhoids are often external hemorrhoids. 5. Soiling of underwear can be a common symptom with hemorrhoids as well. 6. Hemroids can also cause a feeling of incomplete evacuation of the bowel - you don't feel like you've emptied your bowel, even though you have.

What medications can cause hemorrhoids?

There are no medicines that cause hemorrhoids, but there are medicines that cause constipation. Constipation will cause hemorrhoids. Some medicines that can cause constipation that leads to hemorrhoids are Vicodin, antibiotics, and other prescription drugs.

Why does diarrhea cause hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are caused by excessive strain on the veins of the anorectal area. Yes, increased straining from diarrhea can cause Hemorrhoids.