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Q: Are high frequency waves close together or far apart?
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Is pitch made up of sound waves?

Pitch is another name for the frequency of sound waves . . . that is, how close the waves are together. Pitch is a term usually used in terms of music.

What is the frequency of the waves if the waves along the shore are 10 seconds apart?

Frequency = 1/period = 1/10 sec = 0.1 Hz.

What are longitudenal waves?

They are Waves that vibrate particles back and forth like this :::::: : : : : : : ::::::: : : : : :::::::: : : : : :::::::: : : : : ::::::: The ones close together are called compression the ones further apart are called rarefaction.

Is high pitch close together spacing in sound waves?

No The pitch you hear is determined by the frequency of the sound wave (how fast the particles oscillate back and forth). Higher frequency => higher pitch.

What are the forms of electromagnetic waves with the second lowest frequency?

Radiowaves are the lowest, with microwaves a close second in lowest frequency.

A boat at anchor is rocked by waves whose crest are 40m apart and whose speed is 10ms these waves reach the boat once every?

You are supposed to use the basic formula for waves: speed = wavelength x frequency. In this case, you have to solve for frequency. (The period is the reciprocal of the frequency.)

What kind of sound is produced by sound waves with peaks that are close together?

which kind of sound is produced by sound waves with peaks that are very close together?

What is the speed of waves in water that are 2.5 meters apart and have a frequency of 4?

speed of a wave = wavelength x frequency = 2.5m x 4Hz = 10m/s

Are p-waves compression waves which push the crust together and pull it apart as they travel?

Yes! P-waves are indeed compression or longitudinal waves which push the crust together and pull it apart as they travel. They are also able to travel through liquids and gasses, unlike S-waves (shear or transverse waves) which can only travel through solids.

What kind of wave pushes particles together and then spreads them apart as it moves?

longitudinal waves spread apart as they go

Area in which sound waves are pushed together?

This question is misguided. It is not the sound waves which are apart, but the particles of the medium. A place where the particles are further apart is called a rarefaction. Where they are crowded together is called a compression.

How does frequency relate to wave energy?

Frequency is how close waves follow one another, usually given for one second of time. This can alos be measure in the length between successive waves. For example, a frequency of 14.5 megaHertz has a wavelength of about 20 meters. For electromagnetic waves, the relationship is simple: Energy of the photon equals the frequency of the EM wave times Planck's Constant.