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Cow, in Hinduism, is considered the most sacred animal and is called 'Mata' (Mother) - the one who gives birth to all life. Killing and/or any sort of torture to the Cow is prohibited in Hinduism. Its milk is considered as 'Amrit' - the water of life. Even the Cow Urine and defecation is held sacred and is believed to have healing medicinal properties. Eating cow meat, beef or Gelatin is strictly prohibited in Hinduism.

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Q: Are hindus allowes to eat cows gelatin?
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Are Hindus allowed to eat gelatin?

Yes, depending on the Hindu and the type of gelatin. Gelatin is made from the bones and connective tissues of domesticated animals like cows, pigs and horses. Of this list only cows are considered sacred to Hindus - so a Hindu who eats pork would be able to eat pig gelatin. Hindus are commonly vegetarian, but some Hindus do choose to eat meat. Those that do eat meat generally don't eat beef products because of the sacredness of the cow. If you were desperate to give jelly to a Hindu you would have to find one who is not vegetarian AND find a gelatin source that did not involve cattle.

Why don't Hindu people eat cows?

Cows are considered sacred by Hindus. In early Vedic times, cows were used as a medium of transaction, i.e. money. Hence, Hindus don't eat cows.

Can Hindus eat all foods?

Devout Hindus do not eat beef or any derivitive of beef , such as suet or gelatin made with beef parts.

Why don't Muslims eat gelatin?

Depends on the gelatin. Muslims can eat "K-gelatin", or kosher gelatin, which is from cows. Gelatin from pigs, however, is forbidden. To know which gelatin is in a food product, call the number provided and ask. See the related question below for more information.

What hindus think about harming animals?

They refuse to eat cows- they consider them sacred, or holy.

What will happen to hindus if they eat cows?

They will be hypocrites. There is nothing that will actually happen to them physically or in the after life.

What are Hindus not allowed to eat because of their religion?

Hindus can eat a variety of food, however, meat is kind of restricted. Vegetables are always better. All kinds of vegetables are fine! :) Meat is not totally banned, they still eat chicken or lamb. Totally avoid beef, and pork! Oh, and obviously things like rice, chappattis etc. Wheat stuff..... (BTW: I know these things, because I am an Indian)

What food Hindu cannot eat?

Beef. Hindus consider the cow and bull very holy

What is the significance fo hindus to not eat beef?

Cow is mother for Hindus According to Sacred Texts & Scriptures. Also lord krishna loved cows more than any thing.

Do Muslims eat kosher gelatin?

When it comes to meats, Kosher is not synonymous with Halal, so no, we cannot eat Kosher Gelatin. Gelatin is considered kosher by many Jews regardless of its source of origin. For Muslims, if gelatin is prepared from swine or cows that are not dhabeeha, it is haraam.

Can Muslims eat gelatin?

Muslims could eat gelatin BUT depending on its origin, theirs two kinds of Gelatin, one that comes from plants, and the other that comes from pig or cows, the one that comes from plants is not Haram meaning it is allowed, but the other is haram or not allowed, to find out of it is or not made from plant or animal call the product maker and ask.

Why do most of the Hindus do not eat cow?

In lots of nomadic Cultures, cattle was and is a statussymbol and an indicator of wealth. Killing cattle is seen as destroying wealth and status. In hinduistic religions protectiong cows is a very important element. For most Hindus cows are untouchable. Even for those, who don't consider them holy, cows are important symbols and killing cattle is for most of them unthinkable.