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Q: Are hot dogs made from animal penises?
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Related questions

What animal parts goes into making hot dogs?

Hot dogs are made with skin, lips, pig snouts, organs, fat and other parts, from turkey, chicken, pork and beef.

What part of the cow is in hot dogs?

Hot dogs are made of pork.

Are hot dogs made out of pan fried dogs?

hot dogs r made out of all of the remains of pork wrapped in the skin of the pork

How kosher is Shofar hot dogs?

Shofar hot dogs were made by Best which is no longer in business.

What can you sustitute for hot dogs in a diet?

I would suggest you try veggie dogs which are hot dogs made from soy protien.

Where are hot dogs made?

Hot dogs are made all over the world including in the United States. Most hot dogs are made by private companies including places like Nathan's in New York City and in Germany.

How are hot dogs produced and how do they get to us?

Hot dogs are made out of the leftover parts of pigs or cows . In the slaughter house, when only the important parts of the animal are being used, the other parts like eyes, snouts and just about anything else you can think of is put into a hot dog.

Are hot dogs considered organ meats?

No. Kosher hot dogs are made from 100% pure beef.

Do Hot dogs have bugs?

There is no such thing as bug parts in a hot dog. if there was you would see black in your hot dog. hot dogs are made out of meat.

Are all hot dogs made with intestine?

No, while traditional casings were intestine modern hot dogs are usually made with an artificial cellulose based casing. Skinless hot dogs are also available made with a soluble cellulose based casing that is stripped off in hot water after the hot dogs finish cooking and before packaging.

Wear can you by pilgrim hot dogs?

My understanding is that the company that made Pilgrim Hot Dogs has gone out of business in 2009.

What animal is used to make hot dogs?

a pig ... and its left over fat1