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nope, not all albinos have blue eyes, others have grayish to silver eyes while some have red eyes.. it all depends on the amount of melani they are able to produce.. Generally, people with albinism have blue or slate gray eyes. Some people with greater amounts of pigment have green or hazel eyes. Those with lessor amounts of pigment will have an eye color that has a reddish tint to it. Because the eye of the person with albinism has an iris which does not block out light, a flash photo of someone with albinism may show the light of the flash reflected off of the back of the eye, giving the appearance in a photograph that they have red eyes.

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16h ago

Yes, the eyes of human albino newborns may appear blue at birth, as they lack pigmentation in their irises which can cause the eyes to appear blue due to the way light is scattered. With time, as the infant's eyes develop more pigmentation, their eye color may change.

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