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Hermaphrodites can be interested in either males or females.

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Q: Are human hermaphrodites gay
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Can worms be gay?

Depends on which worms and how you define "gay." Earthworms, if I recall my biology classes, are hermaphrodites.

What would you do if your computer came out as gay?

Technically, all computers are Hermaphrodites. As they both have Male and Female inputs when completely assembled.

What do hermaphrodites produce?

More hermaphrodites.

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Can a hermorphrodite impregnate them self?

Hermaphrodites don't actually usually have both ovaries and testicles, so generally, no, they can't. if that is so then why can snails lay egg and produce off spring

If Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus what planet are Hermaphrodites from?

I have heard this joke in reference to the Gay Planet- it would have to be Planet no.7 or Uranus- pun on Your Anus!

Why is Jake van der ploeg gay?

because he had a 5 man orgy love lynch sorry it was a 10 man orgy with 4 hermaphrodites

Is that possible a human being may possess both male and female organs?

Yes, they are very rare but they are called hermaphrodites.

Does both parts of a human hermaphrodite work properly?

People will be surprised to know there are many types of hermaphrodites because it also involves the chromosonal makeup. Some hermaphrodites have a full penis and vagina. Others have a penis and a vagina without ovaries or a uterus. Some may also have a full vagina with a very small penis. All of the above are hermaphrodites but true hermaphrodite has both full organs. Some hermaphrodites can have babies and others can produce a babies. MLK

Are snails usually gay or lesbian?

Snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female gonads at the same time, so in a sense, they are gay, lesbian, straight, and bi all at the same time. Or, you know, just snails. Yep.

Does a hermaphrodite have klinefelter?

People with Klinefelter's syndrome are not hermaphrodites, and people who are hermaphrodites do not have Klinefelter's syndrome.

Do true hermaphrodites ever marry?

Yes, there is such documented cases of true hermaphroditism. Some true hermaphrodites can be fertile as a male, some - as a female. But there is only one documented true hermaphrodite in human history who was fertile as male and female.