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No, but it wouldn't do anything useful either. Plants produce their own vitamins.

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Q: Are human vitamins bad for marijuana plants?
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No, Marijuana is bad for Centipedes! I don't know about that, if you asked the centipede I think he'd tell you that he's pretty darn happy. That is if you catch him between his naps and snacking on Dorito beetles.

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A Marijuana plant has a potent and distinct odor. Whether or not it smells bad is a matter of personal opinion.

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No you should not give human vitamins to a horse. They can contain things that are bad for horses and usually don't provided the correct dosages anyways. It's best to have a equine vet recommend a horse vitamin.

How useful is Marijuana to the human body?

No, it is not bad for the body it is considered a medicine for patients with such deseases, cancer, glacoma, aids...etc

What is the difference between hydroponic marijuana and chronic?

Hydroponics refers to a method of growing plants without soil and using a mineral nutrient solution. The marijuana plants are grown in a soil less medium such as coco coir under lights. Hydroponic marijuana is usually of high quality but occasionally it is bad because of mistakes in growing, plants grown from bad genetics or other problems. Hydroponic marijuana is also often grown locally. Chronic is a term for high quality weed, which may or may not be hydroponic. There are usually red hairs on the weed. There is also a strain of marijuana called Chronic which was developed by a company called Serious Seeds.

Is sugar water good for marijuana plants?

Since cultivating marijuana is legal in most states now, by doctors recomendation, I'm going to say that watering your marijuana plants with sugar water mixed with foxfarm's grow big and keeping them in 18-24 hours of light would be a good step towards keeping the grower out of the hospital, since if you grow unhealthy or "bad" marijuana someone will hurt you.

What happens if fire is on in the woods?

It will affect our the trees and plants that can be even bad for the human body because plants gives us air if that air is gone then we human are gone too

How bad is marijuana on the lungs?

bad but not as bad as smoking ciggarettes

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Is it bad for people in this world to smoke marijuana.

Is it bad to smoke marijuana while taking Monistat 7 for my yeast infection yes or no?

It bad to smoke marijuana - simple!

Does marijuana prevent the formation of DNA?

No, but marijuana is bad for you anyway, not to mention illegal.