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Yes, in many ways:

  • housing developments cut up animal territories and migratory routes
  • houses change the vegetation and fertilizers and pesticides enter the water
  • toxic chemicals used to prevent rotting of lumber in the homes leach into the soil
  • etc.
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Q: What is the effect of building houses near an animal's habitat?
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volunteering and community service. Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that builds affordable housing for low-income families, often with the help of volunteers. By participating in the construction of these houses, individuals contribute their time and skills to making a positive impact on their community.

Why are plants and animals losing their habitat in china?

because of deforestation used for agriculture, wood houses, paper, etc. THAT must've REALLY answered your question there! :))

Why are many plants and animal in danger of becoming extinct?

Because of the human population rising and of hunting or accidental kills. Many animals have been hunted extinct or their homes are taken over by us cutting down their forest

What are some ways that humans affect habitats?

By cutting down trees and building houses and farmlands in a rabbit's habitat.