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No! They are actually very bad for children with Asthma! This is because the air that comes out of humidifiers is not always clean or fresh air!

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Q: Are humidifiers good for children with asthma?
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Are warm mist humidifiers any good?

Warm mist humidifiers may be good depending on individual needs. Some say cold mist humidifiers makes it easier to breathe if the individual has asthma or allergies, while warm mist humidifiers may be good for use in conjunction with steaming medication. They are also a little quieter in their running.

What are the benefits of using humidifiers around the house?

Humidifiers are good for individuals or families who are prone to asthma, nose bleeds, or dry skin. They are especially useful during the winter time, when the house is supplied by dry heat from home heating systems.

Which humidifier is best for asthma suffers?

Well humidifiers are not the best choice for asthma sufferers. Some humidifiers contain steroids If the sufferer is young, the steroids will make them hungry, and lead to eating too much. I used to have asthma. I used an inhaler, and worked out a lot. Eventually my symptoms never came back.

Are air purifiers good for children with asthma?

Yes, because indoor pollution may increase asthma symptoms. It is an essential tool to reduce the asthma attacks.

How many children suffer from asthma?

nearly 9,000,000 children suffer from asthma

What are some good, cheap humidifiers for a furnace? has a wide selection of humidifiers for competitive prices. They also have filters and parts available.

Is fish good for asthma?

yes it is good for asthma

What are the most usual asthma symptoms in children?

Many children cough a lot if they have asthma and they have attacks sometimes.

How many asthma patients are children?

Nearly one-third on the 17 to 26 million Americans with asthma are children

What asthma treatments are available to children?

To treat children with asthma, there are several options such as medications, inhalers as well as oxygen therapy.

How many children in the UK have asthma?

In the UK, it is estimated that around 1 in 11 children have asthma, which equates to approximately 1.1 million children. Asthma is one of the most common long-term medical conditions in children in the UK.

What are the symptoms of asthma in children?

The main symptom of Asthma in children is Wheezing, that is 'trouble in breathing'. Asthma causes a clog in the airways of human respiratory system that causes the trouble in breathing.