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Q: Are ice cream cones an example of scalene triangles in a real setting?
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What are objects that are triangles?

ice cream cone is the easy-est one i know ice cream cones are cones not triangles

What are cones in sewing?

Cones are large spools of thread. It is possible to obtain large spool holders to accomodate cones for use with domestic sewing machines, but cones are more generally seen in an industrial setting.

What are some special features of the Egyptian pyramids?

they are simple triangles and not circles or squares.... pyramids are nice cones.. just like other inverted cones in the world, only that it is hard to build one at present.

What conifers produce cones?

This is a redundant question, as the very meaning of conifers is that they are trees that produce cones. All conifers produce cones, like, for example, pine trees produce pine cones.

Which country manufactured the largest cone in the world?

There are many different types of cones: safety cones, ice cream cones, structures of cones, etc. One example of the largest cone in the world is the Glass Cone in Australia.

What are the trees that produce seed-bearing cones?

Well technically they are called conifers, an example of a conifer is a fir tree.

Why can you not see the colour of cars at night?

The retinas of our eyes have rods and cones. Rods detect light intensity, and cones detect color. The cones do not work as well in dark conditions. That is why, for example, a dark blue car will appear black at night.

What types of cones are there?

Ice cream cones, mathematical cones, frustums, traffic cones, pine cones...

How are pollen cones and seed cones are different?

Seed cones (female cones) are much larger than pollen cones (male cones).

What are the kinds of cone volcanoes?

There are three kinds of cone volcanoes shield cones, composite cones, and cinder cones. Shield cones have very fluid lava. They erupt with a quiet lava flow. An example of a shield cone volcano is Mauna Loa. A shield cone is pretty much a little dome that has been flattened. Composite cones have sticky lava and rock bits. They have the most explosive eruptions An example of a composite cone volcano is Vesuvius. Composite cones are steep at the top but gentle at the bottom. Cinder cones have cinders. They have explosive eruptions An example is Paricutin. A cinder cone is very steep.

How many cones and rods are there in dogs eye?

There are cones and rods in the eye. While Cones detect color from white light, Rods sense the intensity of the light. For example, let's say green light has 47 intensity and orange has 27 intensity. While cones detect which color is which, rods are basically doing the similar thing as cones are but different because it detects which intensity is which.

What is the equation for area in math?

The formula depends on what shape you're working with. Triangles, circles, parallelograms, squares, trapezoids, ellipses, hexagons, prisms, cones, spheres, cylinders, etc. all have different formulas for their areas.