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No. Not at all. Justices make no promises when they are appointed and they are on their own once they are on the job. Some have been a great surprise with their views once they got on the court.

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Q: Are justices who are obligated to rule according to the ideology of the president who appointed them?
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No. The President may nominate anyone he (or she) feels is qualified to fill the position, but would want to select someone who has similar ideology and constitutional beliefs in order to extend the President's influence over government. That usually means nominating someone from his own party, since the people from the other party typically hold opposite beliefs.Justice Sotomayor, whom President Obama appointed to the Supreme Court in 2009, is registered as an Independent (no party affiliation) and Obama is a Democrat.

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US Supreme Court justices do not advertise their party affiliation because they're not supposed to consider partisan ideology when making decisions. Unfortunately, in the real world, ideology plays a major role in constitutional interpretation and decision-making. The current Court leans toward conservatism: five justices were appointed by Republican Presidents and often support the Republican agenda; four were appointed by Democratic Presidents and typically support a more liberal agenda. Sonia Sotomayor, one of President Barack Obama's Supreme Court appointees, has stated she's registered as an Independent.

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The ideology of the colossus of Nero is the Augustan political ideology.

What was the aspect of Hitler's ideology related to political aspect?

Hitler's ideology is spelled out in the many editions of his book Mein Kampf. It's final edition was over 700 pages and made Hitler a millionaire according to some historians.Generally speaking, Hitler's ideology became his political policies when he gained full power in 1934, which was when he combined the offices of President & Chancellor. In 1933, the office of Chancellor meant the top position in government. The Office of President was the office of Head of State. This powerful office was held by Von Hindenburg until he died. At any point in time, the President had the authority to dismiss Hitler and declare martial law with the German Army taking control of Germany. History would have changed if Von Hindenburg had done this.

What is the cause for the decline of ideology?

Ideology has not declined.

What is Stephen Breyer's ideology?

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