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No. Komodo dragons are part of the monitor lizard family, Varanidae. There is a crocodile monitor lizard in this family. Crocodiles belong to a separate family, Crocodylinae.

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Q: Are komodo dragons related to a Gila monster?
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the gecko family the Gila monster and the komodo dragon

Who is more deadly a komodo dragon or Gila monster?

My vote goes to the Komodo Dragon. Strength and agility wins every time.

What is a large greenish brown lizard?

It's either a Gila monster or a Komodo dragon... I think.

Who would win komodo dragon or Gila monster?

Yes, a Gila Monseter grows up to 60 cm (2.0 ft) long, while a Comodo Dragon can grow to a length of 3 metres (9.8 ft).

What is the name of the lizard that produces venom?

A number of species of lizard are known to be venomous including the gila monster and the Komodo dragon.

Is Gila monster capitalized?

Yes. The "Gila" in "Gila monster" is capitalized, but not the "monster" part. The Gila monster takes its name from the Gila River Basin in the southwestern US where the Gila monster was once found.

What equals Gila monster in Zoo story 2?

In Zoo Story 2, an equivalent to the Gila monster would be the Leatherback Turtle or the Komodo Dragon. These animals are also exotic and unique, known for their distinct appearances and characteristics.

What lizard is related to the Gila monster?

The Mexican Beaded Lizard

What are the two most venomous lizards found in the American Southwest?

The Gila Monster And The Beaded Lizard, They Are The Only 2 Venomous Lizards. Some People Say That Monitor Lizards Like Komodo Dragons, Have Venom, But They Just Have Bad Bacteria In Their Mouths.

What is the Gila monster's behavior?

what is a gila monster's behaviors

What is the difference between a komodo dragon and a hela monster?

healamonsters come from st America /Mexico and are venamous. Comodo dragons come from Indonesia and arn't venamous Wow, whoever wrote the original comment is a moron and needs to learn to spell. Komodo Dragon's and Gila Monsters (proper spelling for both) are different in numerous ways, but their toxicity is not an example of such. Komodo Dragon's are infact venomous, the venom glands are (If I'm not mistaken) located in the bottom jaws and are not injected through their teeth or fangs, but through grooves in between the teeth. The venom acts as an anticoagulant and often allows the animal to bleed to death from the bite. In addition, Monitor's have significantly longer and thinner tails, generally have longer and pointier snouts, long sharp claws for digging, and strong muscular throats. Most species are also significantly larger than Gila Monsters. A Komodo Dragon is a Monitor Lizard, so it possesses these qualities as well as a rather gray or olive coloration as opposed to the Gila Monster's more black appearance. Hope this helps!

What colour does the Gila monster have?

the gila monster is black and orange ?