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Q: Are language families in groups that share the same origin?
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What do Kurd's share as part of their ethnic groups?

the Kurdish language

The vertical columns are called families or?

The vertical columns on a periodic table are called families, or groups. They share many characteristics, including atomic radii and how electron shells are filled.

What is the way of life of a groups of people who share the same language and belief?

their culture

What are groups of languages that are similar to on another?

Groups of languages that are similar to one another are called language families. Some examples include the Romance languages (e.g., Spanish, French, Italian), the Germanic languages (e.g., English, German, Dutch), and the Slavic languages (e.g., Russian, Polish, Czech). These language families share common roots and have similarities in vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics.

What is the definition of tribe?

A unit of sociopolitical organization consisting of a number of families, clans, or other groups who share a common ancestry and culture

People who speak the same language practice the same religion and observe same customs share a common?

They share a common culture.

What is the connection between the names Nolet Nolette and Nollette in the US Are most of these families related Do the names share a common origin?

'In 1666 a branch of the Nolet (Nollette or Nolette) Family came to New France....(now Quebec) from France. Over the course of many years the divergent spelling of this name has created splended branches from that family tree. This is not uncommon. They do share a common origin. Many of these families are in fact related.

What is a group of families called that has a common ancestor speaks the same language and shares common customs?

A tribe(:xx

What is the word for people who share customs and language?

people who share customs and language

What two things do ethnic groups share?

Ethnic groups typically share a common culture, including language, customs, traditions, and symbols, which help to define their collective identity. They also often share a common ancestry or heritage, which may be based on shared historical, geographic, or genetic ties.

What are the characteristics of the ethnic groups?

An ethnic is people who share a common background in ancestry, history, language, or culture, and who understand themselves to be members of a particular group.

What do groups of the periodic table share?

Groups share same valence electron. Their chemical property is also same.