

Are ligers protected species

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No they are not protected, they in truth are not a species. They are a man made hybrid produced as a novelty for tourist attractions and the pet trade. They do not occur naturally in the wild so they do not require conservation.

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Q: Are ligers protected species
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When did ligers become extinct?

They did not. Ligers are not a species in their own right or a natural occurrence. They are the result of the captive cross-breeding of a lion and a tiger.

How did ligers become endangered?

Ligers are not an actual species - they're bred in some circus, the mother is a tiger, the father is a lion. You shouldn't find some ligers in the wild, unless they have escaped from a circus. So they're not endangered, because they're not a natural species found in the wild.

Are ligers endangered species?

It's hard to say, but not really really. Since ligers are hybrid animals, cross between a lion and a tigress, and do not oocur in the wild as a viable species, they cannot be considered under any listing. And as long as there are tigers and lions, there can always be new ligers.

How many species of ligers are in the world?

hardly any because they can not have children themselves

What is being done to save ligers?

Nothing. Ligers are not a naturally-occurring species of animal; they exist only because humans have bred them into existence. There is no need to save them.

The endangered species act passed in 1973 has?

saved some protected species, but more species need to be protected

Can you eat ligers?

Anyone is able to eat anything they can get past their nose and down their throat. The question here was likely intended to be about the legality of eating meat from ligers. Hybrids of protected animals were excluded from the Endangered Species Act of 1973, so ligers and tigons are not protected. Some countries forbid the crossbreeding to produce ligers or tigons, but the United States is not one of them.USDA does not inspect or regulate lion meat, so it falls to FDA or to the state. Simply, the FDA's stance on game meat is that as long as the species is not on the endangered list and it is produced under safe and wholesome conditions, it is acceptable. The FDA has no voluntary inspection service like the USDA does.It would appear that in the United States - as long as the meat processor has all his ducks in a row - the production and sale of liger meat for your outdoor barbeque feast would be legal.There are petitions to change that.

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There are many species of monkey. Some primates are protected though not all.

What does protected species mean?

A protected species means that the animal (Or thing) that is protected cannot be killed or harmed. If it is killed or harmed, the person resoponsible will get a fine.

Are tigers a protected speces?

yes tigers are a protected species.

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