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Lions are listed as threatened, the African subspecies. The Asiatic is endangered.

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Q: Are lions on the world conservation unions list of endangered animals?
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What is the lion's conservation?

The lions conservation is that they are endangered!! We need to help these animals from becoming extinct.The beautiful large cats contribute to our lives by keeping zebras and such safely populated.

Are lions one of the most endangered animals?

Not one of the most endangered like many animals in the rain forest of South America, but they are endangered

Are cougars mountain lions and pumas endangered animals?

Cougars, mountain lions and pumas are names of a single species. The only subspecies currently endangered is the Florida panther.

Are lions endangered in Ohio?

Lions are endangered in all places in the world. And there is a very low amount of population of Lions in Ohio.There are no wild lions in the U.S. The African lion is now considered threatened, not endangered. The Asiatic lion is endangered, however.

What extremely large animal is one of the most endangered animals on earth?

The rhinoceros, especially the black rhinoceros, is one of the most engangered animals on earth.

How many animals in Africa are endangered?

Its nearly uncountable but lions, cheetahs, leopards, elephants...ect. they are dying every hour.

Are sealions endangered animals?

Of the six species of Sea Lions, 2 species are listed as endangered and one is listed as vulnerable; the other three are not considered to be in any danger of extinction.

Are there lions that are extinct?

some lions are endangered in select areas

Are Californian sea lions endangered?

Californian Sea Lions are not endangered. But a few years ago they were an endangered species They were mainly hunted for their skins and probably for food.

Are there more lions or wolves in the world?

If your talking about all Lions and Wolves, other than just a particular species, there would be more wolves, as Lions are endangered, not that wolves aren't, Lions are just more endangered.

Why do you have to protect lions?

They are an endangered species.

What is the date that a liger became endangered?

Ligers are animals created when humans crossbreed tigers and lions. They are not found in the wild, so have no level of endangerment.