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In Judaism, cleanliness has nothing to do with it. These animals are unkosher. They are not "unclean." Unkosher animals are animals that are not fit to use as a food animal.

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To Jews, these are all "treif", or not fit for consumption.

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Q: Are lobsters crabs shrimps pork unclean?
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Can a Muslim eat crabs?

Yes of course... Muslims CAN eat shrimps. Only those who might be health-conscious on cholesterol intake might refrain from consuming shrimps. Otherwise all Muslims will consume shrimps as part of their daily diet. In fact some even regard shrimps as a delicacy and some restaurants even charge more for meals containg shrimps.

What makes pork unclean to muslims?

It is the Command of Almighty Allah not to eat pork.

Why do seven day advenance not eat pork?

because it says in Leviticus in the Bible that it is an unclean meat and not to eat unclean meats :)

What religion believes that pork is unclean?

The word "unclean" is inaccurate. The Torah forbids pork as "tamei" (Leviticus ch.11), which is a spiritual concept having little or nothing to do with cleanliness. It is a Divine decree for which there is no mundane reason (Talmud, Yoma 67b).

Why don't people eat pork?

Pork is not considered to be a meat good to eat more than a couple of times a week. Limiting pork in a diet can result in overall better health. Some cultures and religions do not eat pork because it is considered an unclean meat.

Is shrimp considered pork?

Pork is the meat of a pig, like ham, bacon, MOST sausage, pork chops, etc. Shrimp is seafood- they live in the ocean. From a RELIGIOUS dietary viewpoint, shrimp may be considered unclean and prohibited by some religions- but it is not pork. It is not Kosher, but IS considered Halal.

Why are people in Saudi Arabia offended by pork?

Because the consumtion of pork products is forbidden as unclean (Haram) in Islam.

Why don't Muslim eat swine?

Because pork is from a pig. To them, a pig is an unclean animal.

What christian religion does not eat portk?

Seventh day Adventists do not eat pork,because the bible calls it unclean,or unfit to eat. Lev:11:7: And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Lev:11:8: Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.

Is pork mention in the New Testament?

Not directly. Acts:11:8: But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth.

Is pork a clean meat?

According to Judaism or Islam its about the worst, most unclean meat you can eat. To most others like myself unclean simply means you didn't wash or cook the meat before you consumed it, nor are we going to hell for eating it. Whether its nutritiously good for you is another issue.

Why don't non Muslim black people eat pork?

As with any race of people, if someone doesn't eat pork, it is just their personal preference. Just as in the Jewish faith where the pig is seen as unclean or not Kosher, some non-Jews of all races have also adopted that philosophy.