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no. lollipops, along with any hard candy, causes tooth decay because these candies are being held in the mouth against your teeth until they dissolve. This concentrates the sugar against the teeth. If you have to eat one, don't suck on it, just crunch it and eat it at once. Same thing with colas. Colas begin to break down tooth enamel the moment it hits your teeth. If you want a soda or any surgery drink, don't sip, just drink it fairly quickly. Each time you take a sip, it destroys more and more enamel.

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Q: Are lollies bad for your teeth?
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Related questions

Why are lolly's bad for you?

lollies are bad for you because they have a lot of sugar in them.

How do lollies effect your teeth?

the acid in the lollies absorbs into your mouth sticking to your teeth and the strength in the acid stains your teeth

What is a bad reason for eating lollies?

When you grow up your future teeth might become a bit too probably will get slightly overweighted and more!

Why lollies are not good for us?

They cause a lot of damage to our future teeth.

Why does lollies rot your teeth?

because the sugar breaks down the enamel layer

How do you keep your teeth clean and healthy?

eat lot and lot and lots and lots of lollies! or you can poo on them or listen to your toilet training video

What does lollies do to your body?

if you eat to many lollies from china you can die but other lollies can kill you to.

Are lollies good for people?

Lollies are the best thing in the world, if u don't like them you are a weird person. Lollies are the best thing in the world. Elliot if u are reading this u r dumb and stupid. =) From Krashout. My Runescape Acc is Krashout too =)

What are some bad foods for your teeth?

All sugar is bad for your teeth.

Why do good teeth go bad?

Teeth go bad of sugar

Why are peanuts bad for horses?

They are not bad for horses , horse like peanuts! but its like us eating lollies, so dont give them too many!

Why are lollies called lollies?

Because they are, so get used to it.