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Not usually. Markings can differ between male and female Spiders of the same species, however male spiders are not usually lighter in color. They are typically smaller than female spiders though.

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Q: Are male spiders lighter in colour compared to a female spider?
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Is a male spider bigger then a female spider?

No. In most cases, female spiders are bigger than male spiders.

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Well, all female spiders do.

Do female spiders eat the male spider?

Some species of female spiders do eat the male spiders after mating. Since spiders are intraguild predators, meaning that they eat each other, female spiders eat male spiders of the same and other species as food all the time.

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Yes they do have balls and always will. Even female spiders have balls!

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Different species vary - some spiders don't spin webs.. but it is not true that only female spiders spin webs - both male and female do - otherwise how would the male spiders catch their food?

Can female spiders lay eggs?

yes! of course!

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no, they both make the same

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the female eats the male and then breeds

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yes but there are exceptions like the funnel web spiders in Australia , in that case the male is 5 times more dangerous than the female

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Female hobo spiders appear to have diamonds on their back. Google Hobo spiders and see if that is what you are refering to.

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