

Are marshmallows bad for alligators

Updated: 11/22/2022
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Q: Are marshmallows bad for alligators
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Related questions

Are marshmallows bad for animals?

Marshmallows are bad for animals because it can get stuck in their teeth, rot their teeth and the sugar can make them hyper.

What animals make bad pets?

Alligators are bad bad pets.

Are marshmallows bad for horses?

Yes, marshmallows are bad for horses. Generally, anything very sugary can be bad for a horse's teeth. As far a treats go, you'd better stick to apples and carrots.

Is a wholebag of marshmallows bad for your dog?

the answer is pretty obvious.... nope

What happens if you eat bad marshmallows?

Nothing happens they just get hard. And taste bad. I think.

Why do alligators like marshmellows?

Who knows why? Perhaps alligators like marshmallows for the exact same reason humans like marshmallows. P.S. This shouldn't be considered a "bizarre question" that "make[s you] laugh" or "amuse[s]" you. It's a valid question based on the fifth "True Blood" episode from Season 4 called "Me and the Devil" (the 41st episode overall), which aired on July 24, 2011 on HBO.

Do alligators like their bellies rubbed?

that sounds like a VERY VERY VERY bad idea

Can you eat marshmellos?

you can eat marshmallows but not too many of them if you do you'll get a very bad stomach ache i know from experience.

What is the most vicious creature in a pond?

Hard to say. Snakes and turtles can be pretty wicked. And if there are alligators, they can be bad.

What are a pair of alligators called?

two alligators alligators.

How many marshmallows in a pound?

There is 64 regular marshmallows in a pound. There is 8 cups of mini marshmallows in a pound, so about 825 mini marshmallows in a pound.

What do you smell when you roast marshmallows?

to roast marshmallows, you need to put marshmallows on a stick and hold it over the fireplace (make sure that the fireplace is lit).