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Q: Are materials that dissolve in water hydrophobic or hydrophilc?
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Which materials dissolve in water- hydrophobic or hydrophilic?


Do hydrophobic materials dissolve in water?

Generally hydrophobic substances are not dissolved in water at room temperature.

Are materials that dissolve in water hydrophobic or hydrophobic?

'Phobic' means 'have fear' and 'philic' means 'love to', so you might deduce your answer to: materials 'loving water' will dissolve much better.

Are materials dissolve in water hydrophobic or hydrophilic?

'Phobic' means 'have fear' and 'philic' means 'love to', so you might deduce your answer to: materials 'loving water' will dissolve much better.

Does hydrophilic dissolve in waTER?

A hydrophilic substance will dissolve in water. A hydroPHOBIC substance will not.

Does hydrophobic substances dissolve in water?

Some hydrophobic substances are soluble in water (ex.: proteins).

Are materials dissolve in water are hydrphobic or hidrophilic?

If something is hydrophobic that means that it is water fearing, and if something is hydrophilic that means that it is water loving. So if a material is dissolved in water it is hydrophilic.

Are material that dissolve in water hydrophobic or hydrophilic?

'Phobic' means 'have fear' and 'philic' means 'love to', so you might deduce your answer to: materials 'loving water' will dissolve much better.

Does salad oil dissolve in water?

No. Oil will dissolve in fatty (hydrophobic) liquids, not in hydrophilics like water.

Why do hydrophobic substances dissolve in water?

It depends on the physical properties of the substance. Sometimes heating a hydrophobic substance can increase solubility. Also, heating may cause the substance to denature and dissolve. In the case of proteins, proteins can contain many hydrophobic parts but still be soluble in water. However, hydrophobic substances do not typically dissolve in water, due to the polar nature of water. Typically, scientists use the word "hydrophobic" only to describe substances that have a negligible solubility in water. You may have meant to ask "why do hydrophilic substances dissolve in water".

Which of macromolecules cannot dissolve in water?

Lipids are not dissolving,. They have a hydrophobic part

What term means hydrophobic and hydrophillic?

Hydro means water, phobic means to hate and philic means to love, so hydrophobic are those substances which do not dissolve in water and hydrophilic are those which easily become dissolve in water.