

Are molecules in solids moving

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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They vibrate ever so slightly.

Once a compound reaches Absolute Zero: 0 K, strange things start to happen. -At the molecular level, they vibrate within a very small radii, fixed in a crystalline structure, and with an extremely high frequency, they just can move very far. -if an electric current passes through a thin metal wire, such as on a microchip, the phenomenon known as electromigration occurs, and some atoms of the metal are actually physically pushed by the electrons opposite to the flow of current.

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The abdominal wheel has gotten good reviews. Here is an example: There are also many stomach/ab exercises that require no equipment at all that you can do at home.

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15y ago

No molecules of solids DO NOT move from place to place because in a solid, the molecules of that solid are so tightly packed together, that they can only vibrate in one place.

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12y ago

Yes, but they are vibrating in place, unlike liquids and gasses where they are free to move around.

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Yes. They are able to flow.

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