

Are mollies and swordtails compatible

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, as they will live in the same sort of water and temperature and do not usually attack each other.

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Q: Are mollies and swordtails compatible
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Yes most of the time, I'm referring to mollies mating with mollies, guppies mating with guppies, not mollies mating with guppies. I have seen platies and swordtails bred. There is a reason why this can happen. Platys and Swordtails are from the same Genus (Xiphorous) The Swordtail is X. hellerii. The Platty is X. maculatus.

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What kind of fish is compatible with swordtail fish?

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Guppies, Platties, Swordtails and Mollies. there are a few others, but you likely won't see them in the aquarium trade.

Is goldfish and a molly are the same species?

No a Goldfish is it's own species, while the Black Molly belongs to the Livebearer family (Guppies,Swordtails, Platys and Mollies