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The simple answer: "at the North Pole".

A more detailed answer:

ALL stars are "circumpolar" in the sense that they seem to rotate around points above the Earth's poles (called the "celestial poles"), as the Earth turns.

But we use that word to mean stars that are close enough to the poles of the sky so that they don't rise or set at the observer's latitude.

By that definition, the stars that are 'circumpolar' from any location are those

that have "declinations" not less than 90 degrees minus your latitude. Declination is a measure of how far a star is from being above the Earth's equator.

Polaris, the "pole star", has a declination of nearly 90 degrees, and is almost exactly above the Earth's North Pole.

The greatest possible geographic latitude is 90 degrees, at either pole, so

that's where the greatest possible amount of sky is 'circumpolar'.

At the north pole, half of the entire sky is visible at any time the sky is clear,

during the six months of "night". No star ever rises, and none ever sets. Each

one just goes around and around the sky, parallel to the horizon and never

moving higher or lower in the sky.

And you never see anything that's in the

OTHER half of the sky.

At the other extreme ... for an observer standing on the Equator, nothing in

the sky is circumpolar, and you can see every celestial object sooner or later.

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13y ago

At the north and south poles, all the stars in your sky are circumpolar ... none of the

stars you see ever rises or sets.

But at each pole, only 1/2 of all the naked-eye stars are visible to you ... none of the

other half ever rises !

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Why does the number of circumpolar constellations depend on latitude?

Circumpolar Constellations are those that appear to circle the North Star, Polaris. Polaris' place in the sky changes based on the viewers latitude. The closer you get to the North Pole, the higher in the sky Polaris appears, and therefore the more constellations appear to spin around Polaris.

What range of declination makes stars appear circumpolar?

Subtract your latitude from 90° and that will give the the decollation of circumpolar stars. In northern New Zealand, my latitude is 35°. If I subtract that from 90°, I get 55°. So stars with Declination great than 55° are circumpolar for me.

Why does the number of circumpolar constellations depend on the latitude of the observer?

As an observer moves away from the equator, towards the north or south pole, there are more constellations that the rotation of the earth does not ever block from his or her view throughout one full rotation.

The compass needle always points to what star?

The needle of a compass can point to any star you'd like it to. Just flip and turn the compass and the needle will be in different directions, poinling to different stars. But a compass isn't anything to do with stars. Tatyana Martynova

What is the importance of the pole star?

The Pole Star, or Polaris, is directly above Earth's North Pole. From our perspective on Earth, every star in the sky pivots around the Pole Star, causing them to rise and set. Because of it's position over the North Pole, it's the only star that doesn't appear to move. It also is used to assist humans in finding north - since it's stays in the same place all through the night and year.As the Earth rotates on its axis, the stars appear to move across the night sky. The stars above the horizon will create a circle, while the Pole Star hardly moves at all. This makes the Pole Star fixed and is used as a pointer to the North - very important in navigation.

Related questions

Is Orion a circumpolar?

No. All circumpolar constellations are found near the celestial poles. Because of their proximity to the poles, they never disappear from view. Sagittarius is on the ecliptic and thus (like all other zodiac constellations) not close enough to the poles to render it circumpolar.

When circumpolar stars can be seen?

Circumpolar constellations are those that never set below the horizon. The further north (or south) one travels, the more constellations are circumpolar. Where I live, above the 45th parallel, most of the Big Dipper stars are circumpolar, but Arcturus is not, and the constellation of Orion sets below the horizon in the summer. Equatorial constellations are those that pass directly overhead when one is between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. I believe these are primarily the 13 constellations of the zodiac.

What is the formula for calculating whether a star is circumpolar viewed from a northerly latitude?

"Circumpolar" means the star doesn't set, and is always above the horizon.It does that if it's within (your north latitude) of the north celestial pole (roughly the North Star).At the north pole . . . your north latitude is 90 degrees. All stars within 90 degreesof the North Star are circumpolar. The North Star is directly over your head, and thewhole sky just goes round and round it. Nothing ever sets.On the equator . . . your north latitude is zero. All stars within zero of the North Star arecircumpolar. The North Star is on your horizon. Everything sets ... nothing is circumpolar.If you're reading lists of objects and their celestial (sky) coordinates in a directory or astronomicalcatalog of some kind, the number you're interested in is the star's 'declination'. That's its anglemeasured from the equator of the sky. Subtract your north latitude from 90 degrees. Then,any star with a declination more than that number is circumpolar.Example:You live near Chicago.You might live on my street, because your latitude is 42.05° north.Subtract that from 90°, get 47.95° .Anything in the sky is circumpolar if its declination is more than 47.95° .

What characteristic classifies a constellation as circumpolar?

Circumpolar, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Technically, a circumpolar constellation is one that never sets, but just goes around the elevated pole. That's the north star Polaris in the northern hemisphere, or the blank spot of space above the south pole. This, however, depends on your latitude; the higher your latitude, the more constellations are "circumpolar" for you. I live near Sacramento, CA, USA, at latitude about 38 degrees north, so any constellation within 38 degrees of Polaris is "circumpolar" for me. That includes constellations such as Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, and Draco, but not constellations like Orion.

Why does the number of circumpolar constellations depend on latitude?

Circumpolar Constellations are those that appear to circle the North Star, Polaris. Polaris' place in the sky changes based on the viewers latitude. The closer you get to the North Pole, the higher in the sky Polaris appears, and therefore the more constellations appear to spin around Polaris.

What range of declination makes stars appear circumpolar?

Subtract your latitude from 90° and that will give the the decollation of circumpolar stars. In northern New Zealand, my latitude is 35°. If I subtract that from 90°, I get 55°. So stars with Declination great than 55° are circumpolar for me.

Does it snow more in the rocky mountains or the north pole?

It snows more in the north pole

Why does the number of circumpolar constellations depend on the latitude of the observer?

As an observer moves away from the equator, towards the north or south pole, there are more constellations that the rotation of the earth does not ever block from his or her view throughout one full rotation.

Are there more there one pole?

Yep. The north obviously, and the south. Additionally, you'll have the North Pole and South Pole proper, as well as the North Magnetic Pole and South Magnetic Pole.

Why do some constellations such as ursa minor are visble in the sky year round other constellations appear for only part of the year?

What constellations are circumpolar (visible all year, at any time of the night) depends on your latitude. If you are (for example) at a latitude of 50° north, then any start that is 50° or less from the sky's north pole will never go below the horizon. For a more detailed explanation, read the Wikipedia article on "Circumpolar star".

What pole do polar bears come from?

Polar bears live only at the North Pole, or, more correctly, in the Arctic.

Is there a southern star?

Unlike the North Pole, where the "North Star" Polaris is within a half-degree of being exactly north, there is no "South Star"; there are no naked-eye visible stars close to the South Pole. About the closest you can find is the Southern Cross, which points to the south pole without being right over it.