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They are predominantly p2p, however a server is usually utilized to connect users or chat pre-game.

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Q: Are most PS3 games server based or peer to peer?
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Does A peer-to-peer network requires a central server?

NO. In a true peer to peer there is no server.

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The question does not fully make sense , but as far as I understood - any unix based OS is good for you.

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Peer to Peer networking has no central "hub" to store the data to be downloaded. When a Client needs information, they connect to other clients on a network to download that information. An example of Peer-to-Peer networking is BitTorrent. Client-Server Networks use a central computer as a hub to store information. So when a client needs to access information, they need to access the Server for that data. An example of a Client-Server Network is any website.

Is there a host computer in bus topology?

There doesn't have to be; depends on whether it is a peer-to-peer or a client/server based network. The topology doesn't determine that.

What is one of the disadvantages of a server-based network compared to a peer-to-peer network?

With a peer to peer network, in order to access computers resources, all systems must be turned on and running. If one system goes down so does the entire connection. Where as with a server based network the connection will be up and running all the time regardless of how many computers are on. A server based network may prove more conventional for a larger network and may prove more reliable.

What is one of the disadvantages of a peer-to-peer network compared to a server-based network?

With a peer to peer network, in order to access computers resources, all systems must be turned on and running. If one system goes down so does the entire connection. Where as with a server based network the connection will be up and running all the time regardless of how many computers are on. A server based network may prove more conventional for a larger network and may prove more reliable.