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Of course not ! That's just a stereotypical generalisation which is absolute rubbish !

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Q: Are most liverpudlians liars and thieves?
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TN Shelby police are criminals liars and thieves?

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NOTHING! all men are liars and thieves!

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He is the messenger of the gods. He is the patron of thieves, literature, liars, poetry and poets, weights, invention, and most economical and commerce-related standards.

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Hermes is the patron of athletes, thieves, liars, shepherds, cowherds, and travelers

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He may not have been near liars, cheats, thieves, & egomaniacs.

Who is Hermes god?

In Greek mythology, he is the messenger for the god but he is also god of travellers, thieves and liars. His parents are Zeus and Maia

Who is the god Hermes?

In Greek mythology, he is the messenger for the god but he is also god of travellers, thieves and liars. His parents are Zeus and Maia

What stereotypes are liverpudlians known for?

Liverpudlians are often stereotyped as being very friendly, outgoing, and having a great sense of humor. They are also known for their love of music and football, particularly supporting Liverpool FC. Additionally, there is a stereotype that Liverpudlians can have a strong accent that is sometimes difficult for others to understand.

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This question is based on an incorrect supposition. Not all Mormons are liars; most Mormons are not liars.

Where did Columbus's land?

Liverpool That's where he met The Beatles and all the other Liverpudlians.