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Most plants and animals are multicellular,only some are unicellular .

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Q: Are most plants and animals single celled or multi celled organisms?
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Bacteria tend to be single celled organisms.

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What is most abundant single or multi celled plants and animals?

There are more single called organisms than milticelled.

Is a raccoon multi or single celled?

Very much multi-cellular, as are all animals and plants!

Why are the amoeba and the paramecium not classified as plants?

Because they are single celled organisms. There are single celled plants like clamydomonas and chlorella. Amoeba and paramecium are not classified as plants because their mode of getting food is not like plants. Rather it resembles more with animals.

What does domain eukaryote?

Eukaryotes are multicellular organisms, such as plants and animals. They belong to the domain eukaryora. Single celled organisms belong to the domain prokaryota.

What domain does eukaryote belong to?

Eukaryotes are multicellular organisms, such as plants and animals. They belong to the domain eukaryora. Single celled organisms belong to the domain prokaryota.

What domain does eukaryotes belong?

Eukaryotes are multicellular organisms, such as plants and animals. They belong to the domain eukaryora. Single celled organisms belong to the domain prokaryota.

Single celled organisms what are they?

Sinle celled organisms are called "microorganisms". Bacteria are microorganisms with no nucleus. Protists are single celled organisms that are like animals because they have a nucleus. Examples: amoeba, paramecium

What is the theory as to the origin of plants?

all of the plants started as single celled organisms.