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Q: Are narcissists emotionally immature
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Do narcissist need time to heal after a relationship?

NO!!! Narcissists don't heal. They are teflon emotionally. Just get away from them.

Why do narcissistic parents physically and emotionally abuse their children?

They always emotionally abuse them, because narcissists lack empathy. Some physically abuse. It depends on the specific case.

Are narcissists extremely immature emotionally and do they become very angry when you tell them that they are selfish and then fly into a rage and refuse to let you speak?

Emotonal immaturity is one of the hallmarks of narcissism, so one should expect infantile behaviour including extreme selfishness and spectacular tantrums. The narcissist refuses to grow up emotionally. They seem to get a kick out their immaturity. Yes! Besides "selfish" another term that sends them into a rage is "self-centered."

The more compassion I gave the narcissist the more he tried to hurt me why?

In my personal opinion(from experience unfortunately),narcissists equate compassion with weakness. Compassion is an enigma to a narcissist. They do feed on it however. They will push your boundries as far and as thin as you let them. They may look like adults but they are severely emotionally immature and care only for themselves.Would you date/work for/befriend "Chucky"?

What does it mean when the new girlfriend treats the narcissistic more like a son?

It means that some narcissists play the game that way in order to get their partner of the day to take care of them and let them get away with acting immature. In a perfect world, that gets old fast and the relationship is a short one.It means that some narcissists play the game that way in order to get their partner of the day to take care of them and let them get away with acting immature. In a perfect world, that gets old fast and the relationship is a short one.It means that some narcissists play the game that way in order to get their partner of the day to take care of them and let them get away with acting immature. In a perfect world, that gets old fast and the relationship is a short one.It means that some narcissists play the game that way in order to get their partner of the day to take care of them and let them get away with acting immature. In a perfect world, that gets old fast and the relationship is a short one.

Can a person be emotionally unstable and be narcissistic?

Absolutely. Yes yes yes! One of the many horrible traits of narcissism is being emotionally unstable. The narcissist I knew very well would have horrible fits and tantrums over little things that a normal person who is emotionally stable could deal with. Narcissists are emotionally and mentally immature. I would always ask the N I hung out with when he did something stupid (which was a lot) how old are you 10? He freaked out over everything. Esp. if he didn't get his way. Not getting their way or getting what they want when they want it is usually what sets a narcissist off in the first place. So yes an emotionally unstable person could absolutely be a narcissist.

Who are those people who can pump up narcissists and those who can be put down by narcissists?

Anyone could do either - in the view of many narcissists everyone else is there to flatter and supply them with what they need emotionally. You can go from being overvalued if you are doing this 'pumping up' to being apparently hated and put down viciously (often behind your back too) as soon as you don't do what they feel you should be doing.

Why would an ex-boyfriend look for you if he's in a relationship with someone else?

Because he is emotionally immature and/or has emotional problems. Best stay clear of him.

Why are some adults in chat rooms immature?

Immature Adults in Chat RoomsIt might be because the adult has never matured emotionally or they could just be fooling around. It could also be that the person isn't quite as old as you think they are.

Difference in immature and narcissism?

The biggest difference between a narcissist and someone who's simply selfish and immature is a feeling of empathy and remorse. Pointing out to someone who's just immature that they're being selfish often causes them to feel bad about hurting others, while narcissists don't get that same reaction, and if they do feel bad, they feel bad that their actions have reflected negatively on their image.

How do you spell narcissists?

This is the correct spelling. Narcissists.

If a narcissists life becomes emotionally unstable as he gets older and his relationship suffers as a result will he change?

Everyone changes over time. How much, and in what direction, are impossible to forecast. Narcissists sometimes change "for the better" as they get older. However, instability in their personal lives is unlikely to be a positive factor. It is far more likely to make them seek more pleasant surroundings.