

Are nazi soldiers still alive

Updated: 9/24/2022
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13y ago

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Certainly, I knew a man who was during the conflict- a crime-lab technician- Not a rated trooper or anything, for the Algemeine ( general) SS. This is not to be confused with the armed segment, the dreaded Waffen-SS, but plenty of them are still around, too, not to mention descendants.

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Q: Are nazi soldiers still alive
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Yes, most of the infamous ones are dead, but a few guards and captains still remain. As for soldiers, there a few thousand left.

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Gerhard Sommer was a SS-Untersturmfuhrer in Nazi military. He is convicted of war crimes by an Italian military court in 2005. He has been held responsible for killing 560 civilians in an Italian village in 1944. He is presently living in a nursing home in Hamburg-Volksdorf, Germany. He is the most senior Nazi still alive at the age of 93 years.

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The regular low ranking Nazi soldiers were absorbed by the government after the war. There are others who did opt to retire.