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The KKK is an organization, the neo-nazi's are more of a movement. They probably share a lot of the same beliefs and members.

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Q: Are neo Nazis a part of the KKK?
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Are the KKK and Nazis joining?

No, the KKK and Neo Nazis are part of a racial group, they do work side by side but they have total different views of the world

Was the KKK part of the Nazis?


Are the Nazis the same as the KKK?

no, the Nazis was the Aryan Brotherhood from Europe and the KKK are from the south part of the USA

Are Neo Nazis mentally insane?

No, for the most part just racist.

Where are neo Nazis located?

Neo-Nazis are located wherever ignorance and poverty, inflamed by hateful rhetoric, inspire the weak-minded to racial and cultural violence. if you become part of this group, they have a ceremony for you. Most Neo Nazis are in America because it's legal to speak about Nazism. Most of the Neo-Nazis are located in the United States. A lot of them are in North America because they believe that the united states should only be allowed to have Whites or Nazis!

What will happen if the Muslim Extremists Bomb European Neo-Nazis in Europe?

Neo-Nazis will attack Muslims across Europe as revenge attacks. Muslims and Islamic Extremists are SCARED to bomb Neo-Nazis in Europe. Muslim Immigration to Europe will stop. Muslims are praising Hitler while insulting Neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazis will do to the Muslims what they did to the Jews.

What are some examples of how the first amendment can be controversial?

The first amendment will allow for Neo-Nazis and members of the KKK to assemble in public places and hold demonstrations. It will allow a group of religious fanatics to hold protests near the funerals of fallen soldiers. It will allow just about any form of press including controversial organizations such as Neo-Nazis.

Are Nazis still around?

There are now neo-Nazis in many countries.

What is the neo Nazi agenda?

Neo-Nazis support a fascist and totalitarian government

Who do the Neo-Nazis target?

The Neo-Nazis target the same groups as the Nazis did - plus Muslims in some cases. The same people that the Nazi government did as well as sone muslims

Are the number of Ku Klux Klan going down or up?

Going up alot, but the neo Nazi's have been going up a ton. Alot of the stuff on the Internet and TV lies to you they say the KKK only has 8-15k because they don't want people to join the KKK or Neo Nazis. But the KKK is well other 250k-up, and NN is to many to count because NN are world wide over 15 different country's.

Are Haitians and Jamaicans neo-Nazis?

No, in fact, no Black person on the planet is a neo-Nazi.