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Generally speaking, new homes are quite safe from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. The building materials and the things in the home are all usually safe, providing they are in good operating condition. The only real problem is the people who live in the houses. Let's look.

Older or malfunctioning fuel-burning furnaces, ranges or water heaters can dump carbon monoxide into the air in a house. And we know CO is dangerous stuff, particularly since it has no odor and can overcome a individual very quickly. If individuals run fuel-powered space heaters inside, or if a fireplace is malfunctioning, these can also put CO in the air. Why would anyone run a gas powered generator (or a gas powered anything else) in a home? Operating a motor vehicle in an attached garage can push CO into a house. If this isn't bad enough, some people think they can fire up a barque of some kind in a house, too. Charcoal will give off a lot of CO when it's burned.

A new home probably has up-to-date equipment. But it is up to the people who live there to maintain it (or have it maintained), and also to operate it properly. The new home itself isn't the problem with CO. It's what the people who live there are doing in the home that can end up getting a lot of CO in the air. That's the long and short of it.

Oh, and remember that CO is really nasty stuff. Hemoglobin (the stuff in blood that binds O2 and carries it through the body in the circulatory system) loves to grab onto CO much better (not just better) than it does oxygen, and it doesn't like to let go of it quickly, either. That's why CO "displaces" O2 in the respiratory/gas exchange cycle that keeps us alive. Review the main ways houses end up with dangerous CO levels in them, and you'll see it's all about the people who use the house. You may also recognize a serious threat in your own home (or one you visit) when you see an issue there that may expose you and others to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in a home.

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*I'll break down my research, I found no direct answer.According to a 2005 report. NYC produced 58 million metric tons (a metric ton is 2,200 pounds) of carbon dioxide emissions (79% of this reportedly came from buildings.) I know I just said dioxide... let me explain.According to the EPA, the average car driving the average mileage per year produces 575 pounds of carbon monoxide and 11,450 pounds of carbon dioxide.If we divide 11,450 by 575 we get approx 20. So, every 20 parts carbon dioxide we get one part carbon monoxide. If I'm making sense then the 58 million divided by 20 should give us a pretty accurate answer.Thus, New York City produced 2,900,000 (2.9 million) tons of carbon monoxide in 2005. Since it's 2011 we should increase or decrease this number based upon population and new environmental regulations.As a side note, carbon monoxide can kill you.It takes the fresh air equivalent of two American homes to dilutethe carbon monoxide produced by just ONE SINGLE GALLON OFGASOLINE to not make you sick.This should then tell us something about how devastating the85 million barrels of oil burned everyday in the worldis. 365times 85 and we get 31 billion barrels of oil consumed everyyear in the world. There are 31 gallons in a barrel so 31 times31 billion is 961 billion gallons of oil burned every year in theworld.30 million metric tons of carbon dioxide is documented as theworlds emissions. So if we take our 1 part per 20 example earlier(11,450/575) we get a yearly world carbon monoxide emission of1.5 million metric tons. Or 1.5 million times 2,200 = 3,300,000,000(3.3 billion) pounds of carbon monoxide put into the atmosphereevery year by humans.The earths average carbon monoxide is 0.1 ppm. We just need tofigure out how 1.5 million annual tons of carbon monoxide contributesto the 0.1 ppm the earth averages naturally.50% of the carbon monoxide in the atmosphere is created by natureand 50% by man. Thus, doesn't that mean every year we aredoubling the carbon monoxide levels? If the earth naturally sits at0.1 ppm then we are contributing 0.05 every year. Aren't we? Thusin 10 years it will be 0.05x10 = .5 plus the earths equilibrium = 0.6 ppmRemember, it takes 10ppm to make the entire earth a breathingnightmare. So, 10ppm divided by 0.05 = 200 years until wehave completely screwed everyone on the planet out of breathable air.Coal burning is a major contributor towards carbon monoxide andironically there are 181 years left of coal reserves on this planet.Weird coincidence.Here is an exert from a related article about the earths oxygen levels:"Of course, not all life on Earth would completely die off.It's postulated that certain mosses, hardy slime molds,resilient bacteria and viruses - as well as the more robustsea slugs - probably could weather the severe oxygendeprivation. They will make it through the tens of thousandsof years required for the oxygen levels to slowly replenishafter the planetary mass extinction."