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Innate is a broad general response against any pathogen. It is very quick response but it is limited in how well it can defend your body. It is absolutely necessary to have a functioning innate immunity or your adaptive immunity will not be able to respond efficiently.

Adaptive has a very specific response against a pathogen. On first exposure it may time several weeks to acquire the appropriate defenses, however, on secondary exposure it is a very quick response. It has long term memory so you are protected for a long time against that same pathogen.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yes, that's correct. Innate body defenses such as intact skin are non-specific as they keep everyone out. Specific defenses are ones that are tailored, adapt, to the shape of a specific antigen.

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Q: Are non- specific body defenses are innate while specific are adaptive?
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