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Yes, most plastic is made from non-renewable fossil fuel oil and petroleum.

Some plastics are beginning to be made from renewable vegetable oils, which means they are bio-degradable.

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Q: Are non renewable sources used to make plastic?
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Similarites between renuable and non renuable sources?

Similarites: Renewable and non renewable sources are available and we can get them. Differences: Renewable sources can be used over and over and will probably never run out. Non renewable resources can not be used over and over and will probably run out.

Can renewable energy and non-renewable energy can be used at the same time?

Answer : YES Renewable power sources and non-renewable power souces are both used to generate electricity, which is then transfered through the 'power grid' (power lines) to different houses. Electricity generated from renewable sources is not different in any way to electricity generated by non-renewable sources. Therefore, they can both be used at the same t5ime

What are positives about using renewable energy sources?

it is renewable and it is available throught the world

Is this true or false hydroelectric power is the least widely used source of renewable energy in the world today?

It is false that hydro is the least widely used. There are many renewable energy sources, and hydro power is one of the most commonly used, with many installations all over the world. Unconventional renewable power sources that have been used include such ideas as extracting energy from the impact of people's feet as they walk on sidewalks, which is just one of many examples of sources less commonly used than hydro.

Renewable energy sources currently being used considered to be unable to meet your total energy needs?

One of the most commonly used renewable energy is the solar energy. Others include windmill energy and energy from animal wastes.

Related questions

Similarites between renuable and non renuable sources?

Similarites: Renewable and non renewable sources are available and we can get them. Differences: Renewable sources can be used over and over and will probably never run out. Non renewable resources can not be used over and over and will probably run out.

What is meant by renewable and nonrenewable resources?

Renewable sources means that you would be able to make or grow more. You can renew it. Nonrenewable sources means that once it is used or taken, it can't be replaced. More can't be made.

Can renewable energy and non-renewable energy can be used at the same time?

Answer : YES Renewable power sources and non-renewable power souces are both used to generate electricity, which is then transfered through the 'power grid' (power lines) to different houses. Electricity generated from renewable sources is not different in any way to electricity generated by non-renewable sources. Therefore, they can both be used at the same t5ime

What is the need for renewable energy in today's scenario?

In today's scenario, all other sources depleting. Hence, renewable sources should be used.

Is rayon a renewable resource?

Rayon is not a resource. It is a plastic that is commonly spun so thin that you can use it to make thread, which is used to make clothing.

What are positives about using renewable energy sources?

it is renewable and it is available throught the world

What are renewable sources of energy?

Renewable sources of energy, like solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, hydro/water and biomass, are sources that that are not consumed during their use. When oil is burned it is consumed, finished. It can't be used again. But renewable sources will still be there after we have used them, like the sun, still radiating heat and light for as long as we need them.

What are the 2 advantages of classifying energy sources as renewable and non- renewable?

advantages of renewable- it can be used over and over again. used to make power disadvantages of renewable- solar panels are expensive, so are wind turbines advantages of non-renewable- very efficient. lots of experience in field disadvantages of non-renewable- it pollutes the environment. it is difficult to dispose of

What percentage of energy used in the us comes from renewable sources?


What alternative materials to fossil fuels can be used to make plastic?

Some alternative materials to fossil fuels for making plastic include plant-based sources like sugarcane, corn, and algae. These materials can be used to produce bioplastics, which are biodegradable and renewable. Recycled plastics from post-consumer waste can also be used as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuel-based plastics.

What are renewable power sources?

Renewable power sources are the kind that don't get used up. Sunlight, used for photoelectric power, doesn't get used up. Hydroelectric power doesn't get used up, because as long as the rain continues to fall, the rivers will continue to flow. Wind turbines are renewable; the wind does not get used up.

How many things are made of plastic?

there are over thousands of things that are made out of plastic. Plastic is the worlds most used renewable resource