

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy doesn't get used up, in the way that coal and oil do. It is still there the next day, such as sunshine; wind power; water power from rivers and oceans; and geothermal power, which uses the heat deep below the surface of the earth.

2,097 Questions

What does the flashing light in the sky mean?

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Asked by Joijo33

A flashing light in the sky could be from various sources such as aircraft, satellites, or celestial bodies like stars. If it is a consistent pattern of flashing, it is likely an aircraft or satellite navigating through the airspace. If it is irregular or random, it could be a celestial object like a star or planet reflecting light.

Why is Softwood a renewable source?

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Asked by Wiki User

Softwood is considered a renewable source because it comes from fast-growing trees such as pine, spruce, and fir that can be harvested and replanted. These trees have short harvesting cycles and can be sustainably managed to ensure a continuous supply of wood for various applications.

Is bio energy an example of non renewable resource?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, bio energy is considered a renewable resource because it is derived from organic materials like plants and waste that can be replenished or grown again. It is a sustainable source of energy that can be continually produced without the risk of depletion.

How can you use renewable energy resources without affecting neighbors?

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Asked by Wiki User

To use renewable energy resources without affecting neighbors, consider installing solar panels on your own property to generate electricity without producing noise or emissions. You can also use geothermal energy by installing a heat pump system, which is quiet and underground. Additionally, wind turbines can be placed strategically to minimize noise and visual impact on neighboring properties.

When are solar cells most efficient?

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Asked by Biga

Solar cells are most efficient when they receive direct sunlight at a perpendicular angle, during sunny days with minimal cloud cover. They are also more efficient in cooler temperatures rather than extremely hot conditions. Additionally, regular cleaning and maintenance of the solar panels can help to maintain their efficiency.

Why do currently renewable resources represent a very small percent of the overall energy consumption in the US?

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Asked by Wiki User

Renewable resources represent a small percentage of overall energy consumption in the US due to factors such as high initial costs, intermittency issues, limited storage capabilities, and the existing infrastructure heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Additionally, government policies and subsidies often favor traditional energy sources over renewables, hindering their widespread adoption.

What is the ring of geothermal resources known as?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ring of geothermal resources is known as the Ring of Fire. It is a region in the Pacific Ocean basin where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur due to tectonic plate movements.

How long does a filament light bulb last?

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Asked by Wiki User

Every once in a while, you will get a dud, but for the most part they are intended to last for up to 10,000 hours. For comparable Lumens, they save about 75% of the energy that a regular filament based incandescent (the regular kind) will use.

Even with the duds, it saves you significant amounts of energy. Get a good bulb, though. You're going to want to like the light quality and a good bulb will last longer. You will save money even if they're giving away the incandescents.

Ideal conditions for a compact fluorescent bulb (CFL) are when the bulb comes on, has a chance to warm up, and then stays on. Closet lights will burn out sooner (per hour of use, but since they're used so less frequently), but you will still save energy.

Modern bulbs come on instantly, but they take about 30 seconds to heat up.

Best of luck!

Why is solar energy an abundant renewable energy source?

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Asked by Wiki User

Solar energy is abundant because the sun continually emits vast amounts of energy, which can be harnessed through solar panels to generate electricity. It is renewable because sunlight is inexhaustible and available in abundance, making it a sustainable energy source for the long term without depletion.

Area taken up by solar panels?

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Asked by Wiki User

The area taken up by solar panels can vary depending on the amount of energy needed and the efficiency of the panels. On average, for a typical residential installation, it can range from 100 to 400 square feet per kilowatt. Commercial installations may require more space due to larger system sizes.

What explains the position of those who oppose expanding nuclear power plants in the US?

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Asked by Wiki User

Opponents of expanding nuclear power plants in the US often cite concerns about safety risks, potential environmental impact, long-term radioactive waste management issues, and the high costs associated with building and maintaining nuclear facilities. Additionally, some believe that investing in renewable energy sources like solar and wind is a more sustainable and safer alternative to meet energy needs.

Why don't wind turbines work at night?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wind turbines work whenever there is wind, regardless of the time of day. However, wind speeds tend to be lower at night, which can result in lower electricity generation. Additionally, wind turbines may be shut off at night for maintenance or safety reasons.

What is the use of solar chimney?

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Asked by Wiki User

A solar chimney is used to passively generate electricity by harnessing the sun's energy. It works by creating a temperature difference between the base and top of the chimney, causing air to flow through and drive turbines to generate power. Solar chimneys can be used for ventilation, space heating, or power generation in buildings and large structures.

Is tidal power a good power source?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tidal power is a renewable energy source that generates electricity using the natural rise and fall of ocean tides. It has potential as a clean and predictable source of energy, but there are challenges such as high initial costs, limited suitable locations, and potential environmental impacts on marine ecosystems. It can be a good power source in certain regions with strong tidal currents and appropriate infrastructure.

How do current environmental issues impact the use of renewable energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Current environmental issues, such as climate change and air pollution, are driving the need for increased use of renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. These issues are creating a sense of urgency for governments and businesses to invest in and accelerate the adoption of renewable energy technologies. Additionally, natural disasters, like hurricanes and wildfires, are highlighting the vulnerability of traditional energy systems and the benefits of more resilient renewable energy solutions.

Is gravitational energy renewable?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is renewable because you can always raise an object or raise yourself and gain gravitational potential energy. You cannot run out of gravitational potential energy and even now you have some of the the energy because gravity is always pulling you. It is just a matter of how much gravitational potential energy you have. Go on the top Mt. Everest and you will have more gravitational potential energy than most of the people in the world.

Which renewable resources are indirect forms of solar energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wind energy, hydropower, and biomass are indirect forms of solar energy. Wind is generated by temperature differences in the atmosphere caused by the sun, hydropower relies on the water cycle influenced by the sun, and biomass is derived from plants that grow through photosynthesis.

Why is natural gas a non renewable energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Natural gas is considered non-renewable because it is formed over millions of years from the remains of ancient plants and animals that were buried and subjected to high heat and pressure. Once natural gas reserves are extracted and used, they cannot be readily replenished on human timescales.

Why does the carbon dioxide released by burning biomass not result in global warming?

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Asked by Wiki User

When biomass burns, it releases carbon dioxide that was previously stored in plants during photosynthesis. The carbon in the biomass is part of the natural carbon cycle, so burning it does not add new carbon to the atmosphere like burning fossil fuels. Additionally, as new biomass grows, it absorbs carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, creating a cycle that does not contribute to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Can manure make energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, manure can be converted into energy through a process called anaerobic digestion, where microorganisms break down organic material to produce biogas (methane and carbon dioxide). Biogas can then be used to generate heat and electricity through combustion or in a biogas generator. This process helps to produce renewable energy and also reduces methane emissions from manure.

How does the sun's energy create wind?

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Asked by Wiki User

As the sun warms the Earth's surface, the atmosphere warms too. Some parts of the Earth receive direct rays from the sun all year and are always warm. Other places receive indirect rays, so the climate is colder. Warm air, which weighs less than cold air, rises. Then cool air moves in and replaces the rising warm air. This movement of air is what makes the wind blow.

How is the sun's energy stored in coal and other fossil fuels?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sun's energy is stored in coal and other fossil fuels through the process of photosynthesis. Millions of years ago, plants absorbed sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic matter, which eventually turned into fossil fuels due to pressure and heat over time. In this way, the energy from the sun is stored in the chemical bonds of these fuels.

What TE is stored in hot things?

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Asked by Wiki User

Thermal energy is stored in hot things. When an object's temperature increases, its molecules move faster, resulting in higher thermal energy.

What are 2 disadvantages of one of the renewable energy resources?

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Asked by Wiki User

One disadvantage of solar energy is that it is intermittent, as it relies on sunlight which is not available at night or on cloudy days. Another disadvantage is the high upfront cost of installing solar panels, despite decreasing costs over time, which can be a barrier for some individuals or businesses.