

Are opossoms smart

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Are opossoms smart
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How long does opossoms live?

10 years

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Will opossoms kill and eat kittens?

probley maybe not but probley

Do opossoms drink water?

Yes, opossums drink water.

Why would you see a mother opossum carrying her babies during the day?

the female opossom carries her youg during the day to protect them from preditors due to the opossoms being generally noctornall there eye sight is verry poor during the day and the young opossoms are unable to fend for them selfs

Are opossoms blind?

No they just have bad eye sight because of when something happened like millions of years ago.

What eats snowy owls?

A snowy owl will eat a varity of meats and other animals such as mice,other rodents,even rabbits,and opossoms too.

Does the US have possums or opossoms?

Opossums are animals of the Americas. Possums are from Australia. Unfortunately, people use the terms interchangeably and this leads to much confusion. Both are marsupials but entirely different animals.

What does an opossom eat?

Opossoms will eat wet cat food, particularly chicken and liver. They even like black oil sunflower seeds. They will eat most any small vunerable baby animal.

What does opossom eat?

Opossoms will eat wet cat food, particularly chicken and liver. They even like black oil sunflower seeds. They will eat most any small vunerable baby animal.

What eats an opossom?

Opossoms will eat wet cat food, particularly chicken and liver. They even like black oil sunflower seeds. They will eat most any small vunerable baby animal.

Are not smart people smart?

Of course they are smart. They're not smart, right? So they are smart.