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Q: Are over the counter cough syrups with codeine available in New York State?
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In what state is Tylenol with Codeine legal?

In certain countries, such as Canada, you can purchase Tylenol 1 (with 8 mg codeine) over the counter. However, codeine is not allowed in the United States without a prescription. To purchase, own, or take codeine products that were not prescribed to you by a doctor would be illegal in the United States, even if purchased elsewhere. However, if they were purchased with a proper prescription and taken as indicated, they are legal anywhere in the US, as long as they are only being taken by the person they were prescribed to.

In what state is codeine legal?

Codeine is legal in all states, but not for over counter purchases. It is for a number of countries. Prescription is required to buy it. You can buy it in most every province in Canada but you have to ask the pharmacist for it. No prescription required although you have to show ID in Quebec.

Where to buy over the counter cough syrup with codeine in NY?

They do not sell codeine cough syrup OTC in the USA. You can buy codeine products OTC in Canada, though. 8mgs per dose. The only way to get narcotic cough syrup is to have a doctors perscription. To set the record straight cough syrup that contains codeine may be purchased not over the counter but by asking the Pharmacist for the medication and then siging for it in a log that we keep behind the counter. For the folks that like to make bold statements ie the cough syrup with codeine can not be purchased any where in the USA.. you need to do some background work. I do not know the regulations of every state but in Tennessee this product can be purchased in a pharmacy.

Can you buy over the counter codeine in Michigan?

Yes. New Mexico allows for the sale of 1 4oz bottle of codeine (cheratussin) per 48 hours. You have to ask the pharmacist, at which point they will look at your drivers licence and write your name in a log. Not all pharmacies will sell it, so call around.

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What is a ripple counter?

A ripple counter is a counter in which state transitions of one or more flip flops are triggered by the outputs of other flip flops in the circuit. If all flip flops in the counter are triggered by a common clock pulse, then the counter is called a "synchronous counter". a ripple counter is a counter that will ripple through the information sequentialy. .

Over the counter drug that contains similar ingredients as hydrocodone?

Oxycodone is a pain killer so there are several drugs that have the same effect. Some of them are Codein, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphine, Levorphanol, Meperidine, Methadone, and Morphine. Copy and paste link for more information:

What is lockout condition in counters?

In counters, Lockout condition is that condition wherein a counter gets onto a forbidden state and rather than coming out of it to another acceptable state or initial state, the counter switches to another forbidden state and gets stuck up in the cycle of forbidden states only.

What is UP Counter in Digital Electronics?

An up counter is simply a digital counter which counts up at some predefined increment. A Binary Up Counter with 'n' stages can count up to 2n states.If we are implementing Up Counter with flip flops, this 'n' stages becomes the number of flip flops. For example a 4 bit Up Counter can count from binary 0000 to 1111, i.e 24=16 states.A detailed design and working animation of of Binary Up Counter is given in the related link section below

Why is heroin proved to be more effective than morphine and codeine?

Heroin is in its pure state and bonds to opiate receptors in the brain far better than morphine and codeine. Codeine is a derivative of opium where as heroin is actual opium. Codeine and Morphine are broken down and made relatively safe by pharmaceutical companies, where as heroin is made to be strong, without proper dosing. They both (codeine, morphine) bond differently than heroin and to less receptors in the brain, making them less effective, as well as addictive. Both are still very addictive, beware.

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