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Q: Are penguins vertibrates or invertibrate
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Are penguins inverabrates?

No, penguns are vertibrates.

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What is the prime difference between vertebrate gills and invertebrate gills?

Vertibrates have bones while invertibrate don't have.

What are vertibrates and non vertibrates?

The difference of a vertebrate and an invertebrate is that vertebrates have backbones for example a bird and invertebrates do not have a backbone for example a worm.a vertibrate is a living organism with a backboneand an invertibrate is a living organism without a backbone

Is plankton an invertibrate?

Yes It Is A Invertibrate

Is a grasshoppper a invertibrate?

a grasshopper is an invertibrate

Is a cockroach vertibrate or Invertibrate?

yes yes it is an invertibrate

Are the kangaroo species vertibrates?

Yes, all mammals are vertibrates.

Are African elephants vertibrates?

Yes, elephants have backbones, so are vertibrates.

Are mosses vertibrates?


Does a dog have back bone?

yes, it is a mamal and all mamals are vertibrates and all vertibrates have backbones

Is a hag fish vertibrate or invertibrate?

hag fish is invertibrate having skull but no vertebral column